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Riding around Phoenix are large trucks with messeges to call the Sheriff's department to report illegal imigrants

I wonder if we were up on the Navajo reservation today if we would see signs asking Native Americans to call a number if they spot white people who took their lands so law enforcement personnel might deal with them. Maybe people don’t like Hispanic immigrants because they don’t speak ‘our’ language? Funny because most of our distant immigrant relatives never learned English upon their arrival to the United States. I think most everyone has a story of grandparents who only spoke Italian, German, Russian, or how Irish immigrants lived in neighborhoods that were predominately Irish and took jobs other people didn’t want. For whatever reason, our country is having a knee-jerk reaction to the number of Hispanics here in good old white America. We blame their legal status as being the casus belli behind our recent round of xenophobia but truth be known, I think we are afraid of a ‘brown scourge’ and losing our whiteness – I say, bring it on, as the more diverse, the better life looks to me. And as for Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his whacky policies, his generation won’t live forever.

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