Self Portrait #8

25 second exposure self portrait at night

Don’t be under the wrong impression, this site is all about me, hence the self-indulgent name. So, sooner or later you are bound to run into yet another picture of me – John Wise. This night photo is a 25-second exposure of me trying to sit still and hold the camera still in the car. I have to admit, I am desperate for photos. Every day I look at my environment and there is so much redundancy and things already photographed! I come closer to the conclusion that anyone can photograph exotic landscapes such as Tibet, Africa,  Yosemite, and the like and people will clamor over your work as though you truly captured a magic moment, but just try making the place you live in, the place you work at, the streets you have traveled thousands of times, try making that look interesting. Try finding the edge in your immediate environment and then photograph it 100s of times and see if you can still find excitement – that is the person I believe to have truly mastered photography.

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