Snow in the Desert

Snow encircled Phoenix, Arizona

Rarely have we been witness to so much snow right here in our desert home of Phoenix, Arizona. As the clouds came and went yesterday we were offered glimpses of nearby mountains that had acquired a considerably heavier dusting of snow than during the few other infrequent times those mountain tops were cold enough and the desert was receiving enough rain to make this magic happen. Today every single one of those clouds has moved on and we are under clear blue skies.

Snow encircled Phoenix, Arizona

I’d snapped this photo yesterday but it was heavily overcast and I never got to jot down a blog entry so I’m including this here to give an idea of just how surreal our place in the Southwest looked.

If I were a betting man I’d wager the snow will be gone by the end of the day, but for now we get to bask in the sense we had a legitimate winter that went beyond the temperature dipping into what most think is cold. Yet I’m still in shorts and my sleeves are rolled up, as it’s exquisite out here and while it’s a mere 40 degrees (about 4c) I’m enchanted by the beauty and the fact that it’s not 25 degrees out (about -4c).

Caroline is at a nearby workshop this weekend with one of her looms learning some other new technique. I dropped her off and after dinner will be picking her up. While carrying her loom into the lady’s house who is hosting the workshop I recognized more than a few of the women Caroline has gotten to know over the years since joining various guilds here in Arizona. Come Monday she’ll have three projects spread across her various looms, some yarn is developing on the spinning wheel, a pair or two of socks are on her desk, if I’m not mistaken there’s a backstrap project working somewhere, and she’s still crocheting her miniaturized version of the Canal Convergence artwork that she had worked on for the previous year.

As for me and the rest of my day? My mortar and pestle showed up last night (Amazon same-day delivery) and so I’ll be pounding some pickled green tea for making laphet thoke for Caroline and me next week (Burmese green tea salad). I need to turn my soaking sprouting almonds into almond milk. A blog entry I was editing yesterday for the fourth time still isn’t working for me so maybe I’ll turn to it. The synth is always begging to be given attention so I’ll probably allow its circuits to warm so I can torture some sounds out of it. Along the way, other things will arise to distract me, but so it goes on a Saturday.

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