Insipidness Abounds

Things in the Coffee Shop

Insipidness abounds since mediocrity became the new meritocracy, while banality can offer good standing in your local hate group. So, from the top of the system to the bottom, we have goals to achieve a level of the horrible person that should make normal people cringe.

Why are we cultivating these trends? I’d posit it is likely due to our abhorrence of the exceptional and of those who challenge us to understand them.

I always wanted to fit in, to be accepted, but I felt like I was on the outside. Now that I know I’m on the outside and no longer care to fit in, I want others to rise up from the muck of their putrid minds, shake off the stink of intellectual stagnation, and reinvigorate their humanity by embracing those things that have propelled our species such as education and culture.

I’m afraid we are course-correcting our trajectory that for years had leaped forward with a speed that may be proved to have been too fast for the majority of our species. After one hundred years of incredible technological advancements, it appears that the powers that be are curbing our path forward. Instead of paving the way with policies that allow and encourage easy participation and personal development, we are harming the structures and institutions that have been responsible for giving opportunities to those who can and are willing to embrace them.

My opportunity to advance my own education was wrecked by a system that forbids my over-ambitious curiosity and insisted I conform to my peers both socially and intellectually. If I wasn’t fitting in, I was in trouble. I was cast aside while those who preened themselves in blind subservience were elevated to seize the opportunity to attend the best post-secondary schools.

Today, we still force our children through the meat grinder that makes them all look and act like formless bags of gray meat. We must start tackling individualized education for our children and adults alike. Education will never work under its current guise as it’s pandering to the worst of our perverted sense of normal while trying to breed stupid consumers out of its wake. Our momentum won’t allow for a full reset, and our current mindset is afraid of even hints of change.

Did the experiment of enlightenment fail, or are we failing nature? Look around, and you will see just how miserably we are failing nature.

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