Cpt. Kirk left the valley of the sun after he and I stopped for a bite to eat late in the evening. He went somewhere, somewhere other than this boiling wasteland of conformity. Phoenix is a great place to make money, it’s a great starting point for branching out to travel the southwest. But as a community, Phoenix may be the most isolating big city in America. The desert lifestyle, too much sun, or maybe new money bring on a pretentiousness wrapped in hideously trendy yet generic behaviors and elitist trappings of arrogance unbacked by intellectual integrity, social awareness, or compassion for our fellow citizen. It was this distancing that pushed Kirk out of the normal social circles that keep the herd cohesive. I wish Kirk good luck in finding his place in a funky new environ that is more tolerant than this desert that has been sterilized of its humanity.
"It was this distancing that pushed Kirk out of the normal social circles that keep the herd cohesive."
No, it was doing hard time in prison for being a deadbeat dad.
Lucky for him he was arrested for that and not for being a drug dealer and theif.
this coment was posted by a guy named ryan that i introduced to a bunch of people. es these people did sell drugs but i mearly introduced him- the choice was his to purchase products they had for sale. After moving up from Tucson I felt that since he did not know anyone I would hook him up with people in the area so he himself could go purchase whatever he wanted. I did not want to be involved in these activities after coming out of the tent jails for 11 months. He then proceeded to run up his credit and not pay these people and then after he got some harsh words about his dealing he made threats to inform the local authorities of these peoples activities. So to pay these people back his next purchase was then frozen and given to people that he owed money- This guy is bad news- a flake- and a drug addict- stay away from him he is a loser- I never said i was perfect or a saint. I just dont tolerate crap free three time loser junkies-
"I did not want to be involved in these activities after coming out of the tent jails for 11 months."
A flat out lie.
No Ryan here. How many OTHERS have you ripped off?
You are a dirtbag, a thief, and you abandoned your kids.
Good going dude. Pretty cool though that there’s a webpage with your photo that describes the "real" you.
John, you’re really slumming it these days by hanging out with creeps like this.
I may not know of Kirk’s specific issues, what he has neglected, or done to others that has created so much anger with you. I hired Kirk years ago upon moving back to America, I’ve watched a movie or two with him and his boy, the only child I know he has had. I have helped him out of jam once or twice. That you should be so absorbed and pre-occupied with him that you are willing to stalk him here and have this public pissing contest is a disappointment to what I hoped my website was going to be. Why do you feel it ok to make character attacks behind the mask of anonymity? I am half tempted to remove your posts due to your need to hide from your own words, but was hoping you would simply go away and this would be finished, but here you are again. Please either belly up and have the spine to be responsible for what you write or go away.