This throwaway post is only being added to my blog due to the recent dearth of posts. The photo of the agate is absolutely horrible, my apologies. It was taken with my phone in poor light, and no amount of Lightroom surgery could save it. You see, I’m making an effort to backfill something or other so that in the years to come, as I look back to 2025, I can better understand why, in comparison to other years that were filled with various activities, sights, and observations, there were extended periods of nothingness.
Once again, I’d found myself out east in Duncan, Arizona, for a week of working on my novel. My focus has been so keen as not to allow distraction, aside from my crippling weakness that allows conversations to rule my life, at moments, for hours at a time. Other than that, and occasionally watching some stupid streaming short videos, I write with an intention that is admirable (to me), though that comes with no small neglect of everything else; just ask my wife. Fortunately, she’s familiar with these episodes of compulsive behavior/disorder I occasionally exhibit.
My reason for visiting the remote small town of Duncan is to refine my focus and minimize the chance for distraction, which mostly works until moments like this morning when I took the photo of the agate an Austrian professor showed me. He and a couple of traveling companions were scouring the desert and hills of the area, looking for more agates (this one had been purchased from a local rock shop). The guy is also an author of more than a few textbooks about agates and jasper, though geology is not what he teaches. Lucky me, they were in a hurry to get out again so I could return to my matter at hand, writing.
I’m setting this post’s date to January 31st, when I was in Duncan, to update readers of my writing activities, but today, as I’m writing this, it is March 8th. As I said above, this is a backfill. So, what can I tell you? I’m approaching three novels worth of material while believing I’m somewhere between a third and halfway done. Since it is a draft, I’m well aware I might end up paring much during the editing process, but the book currently stands at 707 pages and just under 280,000 words. It has a title, but I’m not ready to share that.
Regarding a completion date, since January 2024 through today, 272 of those 428 days have been spent writing this book, meaning, on average, I write a pittance of only 1029 words a day. If I’m correct about my estimation of its ultimate length, it will take approximately 359 more days of penning the draft before I can turn to editing. Writing this in black and white is a sobering thought, leaving me with questions about my mental health and wondering if I have the endurance to finish such a task.
” aside from my crippling weakness that allows conversations to rule my life, at moments, for hours at a time.”
I consider this one of your greatest strengths. You build communities, and I’m thankful. (Also good posts; I missed them)