Knowns and Unknowns in Oregon- Day 3

Coquille River at Bullards Beach State Park in Bandon, Oregon

It’s the quiet serenity at the break of dawn, and the externalities of being human are kept at bay. Stand at the edge of a river looking toward the sun behind a thin shroud of clouds while the forest across the way obscures that there’s a bigger world beyond the trees and try to consider that the majority of the humans that came before us only knew themselves as another element in nature, not the megalomaniacs who’ve convinced themselves through self-ordination that a god gave them dominion over a planet.

Coquille River Lighthouse at Bullards Beach State Park in Bandon, Oregon

The light of being should emanate from within like the beacon of a lighthouse. Instead, we’ve foisted the dollar, organized religion, cult-like politics, and celebrities to act as our guiding lights. We get our compass and our evolving intellect from our parents; there is no need for corporate interests to use the media to bombard us with their capitalistic agendas, but that’s how we now exist. Rarely is the message that one should take a sabbatical to reconnect with the real, the meaningful, and truly profound. With the conclusion of this trip, Caroline and I will have been away from home and work for just shy of 80 days this year, and if we had another 30 days, we’d have no problems filling those moments with more grand experiences.

Caroline Wise at Bullards Beach State Park in Bandon, Oregon

Love of life, one another, and our rare moments in time connecting to the larger world found in raw nature are the greatest things we take from life. I’m a broken old record by now, considering how often I’ve repeated my message to focus your loyalties away from things outside of your control that have been placed upon your shoulders by external forces who require your servitude to their concerns, but then again, this beach was all ours, no one else was here to disturb our experience. There we were, just two of us out of 8 billion others. Maybe I should change my tune and thank all of those people nestled cozily at home making toaster waffles, waiting for Uber Eats to deliver their coffee as they check social media, e-mail, TV, or some other important aspect of their lives in expensive homes so Caroline and I can go about exploring our world in the beautiful solitude of perfect days.

Coquille River Lighthouse at Bullards Beach State Park in Bandon, Oregon

Right out there in the cosmos, in the vast wonderment of a universe of exceedingly infinite potentiality, the light of curiosity illuminates a way forward that seems to insist that happiness is found in learning about what you didn’t know yesterday. Seeing the unfamiliar and touching the rare alights the being of our humanity and fuels the desire to explore more of what we didn’t understand in the moments prior. Of course, the seed of yearning is not equally distributed, and through neglect, it’s easy to kill the chance of it ever moving beyond the nascent sprouting stage. If only continuing nourishment had been offered, the child might have taken a path that would have taken them farther.

Jetty at Coquille River Bullards Beach State Park in Bandon, Oregon

There are many paths that lead nowhere, and in the age in which we live, these are the destinations that best serve those who’d love more out of life. While I find it selfish that the haves would rather offer false destinies and aspirations to the masses, I reluctantly have to concede a hint of genius to this blunt method of oppression as I, for one, love the civility found in the serenity of a place that’s not been cluttered with the grotesque stupidity of crass, unrefined people, their boisterous obnoxiousness and displays of their gaudy self-image.

Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge in Bandon, Oregon

There are beautiful things, and there are ugly things, and while we would prefer to remain immersed in the aesthetically wonderful, it’s inevitable that we’ll be encountering the ugly, typically in the form of people.

The beach, river, surf, jetty, lighthouse, and marsh do not have a political affiliation. Those places and things aren’t afraid or angry about perceived injustices and conspiracies. Our last visit to Oregon was in November 2020, it was our Remote Isolation Vacation, and as such, we had very few encounters with others, certainly not indoors. We know full well that Oregon is largely a conservative state, regardless of how people want to portray Portland. This is a state, after all, with a charter that featured a black exclusionary clause, and while those pockets of liberalism exist, the rural enclaves can be quite oppressive.

This contrast between the pleasing and the vulgar shows up every once in a while. It’s Sunday, so more people go out for breakfast, and the other nearby restaurants seem to have fallen victim to the pandemic, “if you want to call it that,” pipes up the man in the “Let’s Go Brandon” cap sitting next to us at the counter. As I said, our visit in 2020 might have had us encountering 3 or 4 people, and all of them were outdoors and keeping their distance, while the year before, in 2019, the right’s God/King was still sitting upon his Orange Throne, and all was perfect in the universe. I’d like to say, “Enough of this distraction that should remain but a tiny part of our time on the coast!” is but one more thing.

In trying to understand more about the local history and mentality, Caroline is reading about the racist past of Oregon and came across that point in time when Oregon ratified the 14th amendment, you remember, the one that reads, “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” But then, a couple of years later, they rescinded it when they decided that black people were not entitled to citizenship. Sure, they eventually fixed this act of poor discretion, but NOT until 1973! Oregon’s history with its Chinese population might be worse, but before we go down that rabbit hole, it is time to stop the history lesson.

That old saying that one bad apple spoils the barrel might hold true as the stupid man with an off-the-cuff comment and his abhorrent hat had us reevaluating our perception of a state where we most typically find ourselves inspired while looking outward toward the sea, up to the mountains, through the forest, or within our feelings of love.

Tayberry Jam at Misty Meadows in Bandon, Oregon

Speaking of fruit, while we had to do some minor backtracking this morning, Caroline required a visit to Misty Meadows south of Bandon as this might be the best chance for her to collect a sweet gift for a friend of hers in Germany. Oh nice, banana slug and tsunami zone stickers for my computer and Tayberry jam for Caroline, friends, and family.

On the Coquille River in Bandon, Oregon

For one reason or another, on the return north, we stopped in Old Town Bandon. Maybe we wanted to take stock of what the pandemic shuttered, or was the bathroom calling, oh, how that candy store? After evaluating the shops and restaurants, we made our way toward the dock and public restroom before walking along the southern shore of the Coquille River. Come to think of it, we were in the car and leaving when, nearly simultaneously, our eyes caught sight of a sign that read Cranberry Sweets & More. The combination of cranberry and sweets demanded we turn around and make a visit; we didn’t leave empty-handed. And what’s more, we also made a stop at Face Rock Creamery for a sweet ice cream treat on our way out of town.

Gorse at Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

We weren’t even 5 miles out of town when a sign pointing to Whiskey Run caught our attention. good thing it did, as it brought us to this gorse fantasy. While not everyone’s favorite scourge of a plant, there’s no denying that this oily cousin of the pea plant is a sight to behold.

Gorse at Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

Lovely pea-like flowers are said to have the scent of coconut, but I wouldn’t know. [Coconut and peaches, in my opinion – Caroline]

Gorse at Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

One must first get past some of the worst thorns known in the plant kingdom to gather a sniff at the flowers, and one would be a terrible fool to become entangled in this otherwise beautiful bush.

Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

This is Whiskey Run Beach and yet another place we have failed to visit previously. I’d like to be cheeky and blame it on the idea that to get down to this beach, we have to drive between two golf courses, but that would just be me trolling the reader that my disdain for golfers is that great; close but not that bad.

Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

To the south, there are some vehicles and seeing that we’re on foot, we’ll walk the other way where not a car is to be seen.

Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

Our long walk north pays off as we’re here at low tide. Not that we’ll be seeing a lot of sealife this afternoon, but we’re not so difficult to scoff at a dearth of sights; we can appreciate even the littlest of things.

Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

I shouldn’t imply there’s a payoff due to seeing sea life when any and every moment out here together while we are just walking along inventorying the shore and counting the number of visible droplets from splashing waves sends us into matrimonial bliss.

Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

When the inventory is finished, and all the droplets that can be counted have been accounted for, Caroline breaks out the calculator and graph paper and starts to plot how much water volume is in the clouds as sampled from a 22.5-degree angle of the ocean’s horizon to a point 22.5 degrees above sea level. In this particular game of “Guess the Volume,” she ventured a bet that there would be about half a cubic kilometer of clouds in our sample cube if they were collected in a single cloud. This would equate to about 250,000 kilos of water or the same as measured by liters. For you Imperialists, that would be about 66,000 gallons of water lofted into the sky in front of us.

Caroline Wise at Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

When not performing beach geometry, Caroline can be found collecting clumps of mussels.

Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

Meanwhile, I busy myself over here trying to find patterns in the rocks that would imply an ancient civilization had once lived here, leaving these foundations of their dwellings and rock carvings that tell the story of their alien overlords that planted them here over a million years ago.

Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

Clearly, I’m suffering from sun poisoning and not in my right mind. That’s not true, but I have to make something up as we walk along in a mindless trance of wonder.

Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

I’ve lost just too much time trying to discover why erosion is working on these rocks in just this way. It’s nearly maddening how difficult the search is with Google Images absolutely failing while Bing Images at least identifies that they are from Whiskey Run Beach, but what the rock is and how these cavities were formed is a mystery.

Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

What’s not a mystery is that these rocks are tilted nearly perfectly at 90 degrees from where they used to sit, meaning they fell clean over. This has me thinking about earthquakes and that 1,200 years ago, movement of the Cascadia Subduction Zone dropped some of the coastlines just north of here at Sunset Bay and deposited a large part of the forest into the ocean, thus creating a “Ghost Forest.” What, a ghost forest? Now that I understand this, I want to visit Sunset Bay again and Neskowin where there’s another ghost forest. So, regarding these titled rocks, I could see that they might have fallen over during that cataclysm over a thousand years ago. I can only wonder when we might be able to witness another event of such great magnitude.

Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

Worms, sand-peckers, crabs, birds following worm track? I’m at a loss; let’s hope sleuthy Caroline finds a bead on just what creates these patterns in the sand. [Nothing so far – Caroline]

Jellyfish at Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

This is either a baby jellyfish or it’s an adult with the shortest tentacles of all jellyfish.

Sand Dollar at Whiskey Run Beach in Bandon, Oregon

If there is a saying that reads, “Money on the floor brings money in the door,” then I wonder if there is good luck to be found in “Sand dollar on the beach – beautiful experience within reach.”

Seven Devils Road south of Charleston, Oregon

A John-and-Caroline road trip may not be complete without at least some dirt road as part of the route. Today’s off-road adventure brought us down old Seven Devils Road to avoid a road we’ve driven before. Just before getting back on pavement to return to Highway 101 via Charleston, I had to pull over to capture at least one image of our trek down dirt. There were far more impressive narrow parts of the road with hairpin turns and just enough room for one car, but those are not the places I’m inclined to stop, get out of the car, and snap an image or two when I have no idea if Joey Badass in his big truck is cruising along, figuring that this little-used road will likely be empty, especially as he enters a blind turn.

McCullough Memorial Bridge in North Bend, Oregon

Before anyone goes telling me that I’ve posted the McCullough Memorial Bridge in North Bend half a dozen other times, so what? I’ve also posted everything else you are seeing on this blog at least one other time, too.

McCullough Memorial Bridge in North Bend, Oregon

But have I posted an image of the bridge from this exact spot while crossing?

Tahkenitch Lake Boat Ramp in Gardiner, Oregon

Tahkenitch Lake is such a beautiful place, but I’ve yet to find a place to stay nearby, as in on the lake shore. There’s a campground, but it literally sits just a few feet away from Highway 101. Maybe kayaking across the lake to a remote campground could be a thing so I turn to the internet to find such places, but instead learn the following from Wikipedia, “Brazilian waterweed limits the lake’s usefulness. The weed, which has formed a dense mat over most of the lake bottom, hampers swimming, boating, and fishing. Introduced to the lake in the 1930s, it has resisted all attempts to control it.

Tahkenitch Lake Boat Ramp in Gardiner, Oregon

It turns out that Brazilian waterweed flowers could necessitate a visit outside of the time of year we typically visit, but would we really be willing to sacrifice tranquility for the potential crowds of summer if that is when flowers bloom?

North of Big Creek Bridge in Florence, Oregon

We’re about to reach where we need to be on the map, not necessarily at an optimal place to witness sunset but where our lodging is for this evening.

North of Big Creek Bridge in Florence, Oregon

Another mile or two, and we’re there, though you may not know it. We pulled onto the property, and as this wasn’t our first visit, I had to step over to the grassy rise in front of the main house to take yet another sunset photo should this one prove to be the best I captured today.

Shags Nest at Ocean Haven in Yachats, Oregon

We are now set up in the Shags Nest at Ocean Haven in Yachats, Oregon. No yurts for the next four nights as we luxuriate in grand opulence and extravagance as though there were levels of the incredible above the lofty yurt experience.

Shags Nest at Ocean Haven in Yachats, Oregon

If ever there were a good reason to bring the tripod, it would be right here to take HDR (high dynamic range) photos of this setup so I could get the light balanced between the interior and exterior. Then again, I’m taking these images for our memories first and foremost, and for that purpose, these suffice.

View from the Shags Nest at Ocean Haven in Yachats, Oregon

Does this look suspiciously similar to the photo just above the interior Shags Nest images? Well maybe, but this was taken from our private deck that allows us to own this view for the duration of our stay.

Caroline Wise at Shags Nest at Ocean Haven in Yachats, Oregon

It’s two years later, and once again, we try heading down to the beach on the narrow cliffside switchback of a path only to get exactly to where I was stymied on my previous attempt back then, the exposure is too much as the idea of splattering on the rocks below remains an unappealing potentiality even if my better senses try to reassure me that it’s highly unlikely. Maybe this is the “one thing left undone” that is meant to bring us back to Ocean Haven for a third stay in the Shags Nest?

View from the Shags Nest at Ocean Haven in Yachats, Oregon

From my original notes from that evening: Here I am at the end of the day with little left to say; if there’s nothing, it’s likely because so much has been said before. Oregon and its coast have made deep impressions and might be the subject of more of my writing than all other places. This exercise begins while at dinner at Ona Restaurant in Yachats, but like all inopportune moments of trying to slip some thoughts into a notebook, I should get my attention over to the process of dinner and paying attention to our server and the woman sitting across from me, namely Caroline.

Back at the edge of the sea, for more than a few nights, in fact, though the exact number is unimportant, just that there’s more to come of our time at the Shags Nest. It’s completely dark outside and a cool 47 degrees (8 Celsius), and maybe not a lot warmer inside the nest right now as the windows are open to let the sound, fresh air, and sense of the sea drift into our tiny cabin that feels like it has more windows than walls. We’ll not close the windows nor will we turn on the heat; we’ll not draw the curtains as we try to maintain our relationship as close as possible to these moments at the edge.

Highway 101 is nearby behind us but cannot compete with the constant roar of the crashing waves. From time to time, we hear the compression and heavy collapse of a wave that sounds larger than those that preceded it. Out in the darkness, the tide is shifting with high water approaching us. The thought creeps in that without being able to see the churning ocean; it could soon be lapping at the cliffside, the same one we’ll be trying to sleep in front of.

Not content writing here under this convenience of electrical light; the time approaches when I must grab a flashlight and go out to our deck to confirm that I can still see nothing while still hearing so much. Fog is coming up, and the surf is significantly louder outside. Standing here, I’m no longer certain how much land extends out in front of our cabin as everything disappears into the dark. As my eyes adjust, I can make out the whites of the cresting waves that look extraordinarily large and maybe bigger than I want to imagine. This has the effect of having me listen closer with my feet. Do I feel earth vibrations through my shoes that might suggest we could go surfing tonight?

A mere 10 minutes after I returned to the warm light of our room, I’m nagged by my curiosity, which tells me to investigate if conditions out there have changed. I know full well that this ocean has been pounding the shore on this section of the coast for many a year and that the dark sky has descended over the land for more years than any of us alive today have lived. Still, I need to know, is anything different? Can I find something of awe just by seeing for myself that the world remains as I suspect it is, or is it ready to deliver the unfathomable?

Nothing has changed, although there were a few stars poking through the overcast sky and fog. Light pollution from the north and south can be seen in the distance, triggering the thought that I may never see a truly dark Pacific Coast. Back inside, it’s cold in here, even with my wool base layer, a shirt, and my fleece on. The inner whine of wanting comfort, i.e., instant gratification, says, “Close the windows and turn on the heat,” but I cannot have ears for that as the constant song of the ocean demands that we sleep to its serenade.

All and Nothing in Oregon – Day 2

Rockway Beach Trail at Harris Beach State Park in Brookings, Oregon

The encroaching morning began to overwhelm the incredible cozy factor that wrapped us in blissful sleep in our yurt. With the awareness that sunrise might be rare over these days, we peel out of our toasty zone to venture into the beauty zone.

Rockway Beach Trail at Harris Beach State Park in Brookings, Oregon

We have made it outside before the sun pokes over the horizon not only due to the science of how morning light spilling into sleeping spaces typically wakes people but also due to the biological process that alerts you that you’ve held your water long enough. On our short walk to the loo facilities, we saw what we couldn’t during our arrival in the evening and what we had conveniently forgotten in order that novelty would once again play its hand: we are mere steps away from the ocean.

Rockway Beach Trail at Harris Beach State Park in Brookings, Oregon

How we missed this Rockaway Beach Trail on one of the many previous visits to Harris Beach State Park might be described as a mystery, but when the eyes dart about faster than the sense that searches for luxury, we find ourselves at the place of instant gratification. I’ll explain how that works as we approach the end of this walk. From the cliffside, the trail led us to this narrow path sliced between rocks that would have otherwise been difficult to access. Thank you to the mole people who carved this narrow passage that enchanted us with an opportunity to slither through.

Rockway Beach Trail at Harris Beach State Park in Brookings, Oregon

Before reaching the point where we practiced our snake routine, we nearly fell into regret at the lack of foresight to bring the binoculars or zoom lens with us just as some river otters went scampering across the beach before disappearing into the rocks we were about to walk over. We were just too far away for a worthy photo, so instead of finding regret, we recognized how amazing everything can be when our will is able to propel us out of routines, even when sacrifices have to be made to experience the extraordinary or things turn out less perfect than planned.

Rockway Beach Trail at Harris Beach State Park in Brookings, Oregon

And so we walk forward instead of rushing back for what was forgotten as the evolving light of the early morning will not wait on us. With sunlight starting to be captured by the waves, molten splashes of daytime fireworks jump above the rocks they crash into, and we are reassured that our decision was sound. With the rising mist glowing in golden-orange light peaking around the corner of a particularly large rock, I gawk in awe, wondering how far this sight can extend into the realm of magnificence.

Yurt at Harris Beach State Park in Brookings, Oregon

Ah yes, our tiny castle by the sea with every bit of splendor the Wises look for when going coastal. While we lack television, wifi, room service, a toilet, shower, microwave, sheets, blankets, running water, and a breakfast buffet, our yurt features a sense of opulence found when the two of us walk through that door, and the place takes on inexplicable qualities that likely can only occur when those passing the threshold are truly in love. Yep, that must be it.

Matties Pancake House in Brookings, Oregon

Now full of romance and sunshine, it was time to fill up equally on breakfast. Our meal at Mattie’s Pancake House might have turned out ordinary if it weren’t for the second Sun of the day rising over our table in the form of Peggy. She’s a waitress in the classical sense, where people with such jobs used to understand something more about customer service and engagement. One is not fully served by Peggy if one refuses to acknowledge the rarity of being offered time to engage in banter. In exchange for the playful back and forth, we were offered a tip on a small, infrequently visited beach just up the road and a look at this vintage postcard of Mattie’s Pancake House that recently came into their possession.

Mill Beach in Brookings, Oregon

Here we are at Mill Beach in Bandon, Oregon, with gratitude being sent Peggy’s way for the tip. This is also where my notes for the day took a break until the final glimmer of light danced over the sands and sea during sunset many hours from now. What follows are the musings of memories, impressions, desires, and the necessity of fingers representing a mind to record things that will allow Caroline and me to revisit this place in our days ahead and possibly inspire someone else to follow in our footsteps or craft their own journey that takes them to previously unknown places.

Mill Beach in Brookings, Oregon

Hmm…a new configuration of rocks, water, and sky. This can only mean one thing: we must up our vigilance to ensure nothing gets by our keenly tuned senses that are looking for what’s out of place and especially for what’s in its rightful place.

Mill Beach in Brookings, Oregon

Splashy water, check.

Caroline Wise at Mill Beach in Brookings, Oregon

Smiling hagfish on the beach, check.

Mill Beach in Brookings, Oregon

Alrighty then, this beach has my seal of approval. Yep, I went there.

Mill Beach in Brookings, Oregon

We stand on the seashore under the warmth of a sun that sits 93 million miles away while our planet zips around that sun at 67,000 miles per hour and don’t forget that our entire solar system is racing around the galactic center at 490,000 miles per hour which equates to 136 miles per second or 219 kilometers per hour. What this means is that we are hauling ass even when standing still and contemplating what sets this scene apart from one seen yesterday. Looking these numbers up, I come to realize that if we spent only 15 minutes at this beach, we’d have moved 122,500 miles through space, which is the same as circumnavigating Earth almost five times. I swear I’m not stoned (high) as I write this stuff, but as one thing leads to another, over the course of a lifetime, we’ll have traveled 340 billion miles through the vastness of space or for a way to better understand such big numbers, you make 1,823 roundtrip journeys between the sun and your home. I wanted to share how many roundtrips this would equal if it were to the moon, which would be 1,423,189 times, but then that number starts getting difficult to comprehend while 13.6 million trips around our own planet wouldn’t even allow one to see anything other than a blur.

If you got this far, my point is that even if we stand still, we are in motion, but then again, we are not unless we’ve engaged our senses to the changing world that hurtles forward in much the same way we are passing through time and when it comes down to it, 29,000 days in a lifetime is an ever so brief moment to be out here standing still before the ocean wondering why we’re so fortunate to contemplate abstractions.

Caroline Wise at Mill Beach in Brookings, Oregon

Meanwhile, crazy hagfish lady performs an ancient Teutonic dance from her childhood to bring on the wind in order to fly her kite. Little does she care that just above our sky, the solar winds are blowing by at 1 million miles per hour; she should try flying her kite there.

Arch Rock to Secret Beach Trail in Brookings, Oregon

So John, what big thoughts do you have on fern-lined paths through the forest? The mind swirls around fantasies of nymphs, imps, pixies, and gnomes, and no, I’ve not eaten a mushroom along the way. Regarding our location, we’ve left Mill Beach and traveled about a dozen miles north to hike the Arch Rock to Secret Beach Trail.

Arch Rock to Secret Beach Trail in Brookings, Oregon

Is this really just the second day out here in Oregon? Oh yeah, time is dilating due to our awareness that we’ve already traveled 12.7 million miles around our galaxy. For those who travel far, we are presented with riches of experience that have no rival; for proof, just consider this moment in time that was captured by Caroline and me on our walk down this trail. We were the only ones out here, as evidenced by the lack of other cars in the parking lot, while the play of light and color with this exact configuration of elements will have only ever been witnessed by us. Why is that? Because we traveled far and invested in our potential for experience in order to gain just such moments of wonder. In a sense, this becomes the religious journey in much the same way others travel into the Bible, the Koran, the Rig Veda, or the Tripitaka, searching for moments that show them the truth. We find the visceral affirmation of life standing at the precipice of nature where the hand of man remains invisible.

Arch Rock to Secret Beach Trail in Brookings, Oregon

Who doesn’t love shield lichen? Whoa, the rabbit hole that opens should you search for info about edible lichen offers things such as the tasty fact that the partially digested lichen eaten by caribou and harvested from their rumen is called stomach icecream while on a tastier side of things, lichen is used in various masalas of India and is said to impart an umami flavor to foods cooked with it.

Arch Rock to Secret Beach Trail in Brookings, Oregon

I’ll wager you are smacking your lips together right about now, wondering what kind of culinary achievement you might whip up with a couple of tablespoons of these lichens.

Arch Rock to Secret Beach Trail in Brookings, Oregon

Often, when I’m writing of these days after we’ve returned from vacation, I’ll listen to something in order to block the sound of the coffee shop I’ve taken up in and to set a mood that feels congruent with where I was mentally while walking in the environment. As I looked at this photo, I was wondering if there was a song that fit the sense I was feeling from it and that maybe it could kickstart this return to my narrative. I’m caught between two songs: the first is from Röyksopp, titled Lights Out, and the other is from Beach House, titled Space Song. Even before writing this, I also made consideration of songs from Rüfüs Du Sol, Odesza, and Ólafur Arnalds’ track So Far + So Close, meaning it’s taking a while to get these words going, but the music is nice. Needless to say, the trail was far better than any song, hence the difficulties in finding one that really hit the mark in my attempt to trigger a flow of descriptive words. If nothing else, I put a reminder here in a post that will refresh my memory about what I was listening to in late 2022.

Arch Rock to Secret Beach Trail in Brookings, Oregon

I don’t believe I thought of this before, but in some ways, these photos are like the pop songs we were listening to on the days we were out on vacation. One-day wonder hits such as The Trees with On The Arch Rock Trail or DJ Peggy’s remix of Mill Beach, followed by Wet Feet performing I’ll Fly My Kite.

Arch Rock to Secret Beach Trail in Brookings, Oregon

Somewhere nearby is the Kabouter, a mushroom sprite, just out of sight, maybe in the shadows, or is he hiding under the cap? Calling a Kabouter is futile as they appear when the magic of the moment suits them, and in any case, one should be careful around mushrooms as the treacherous Giftzwerg could be close at hand.

Arch Rock to Secret Beach Trail in Brookings, Oregon

I may well be mistaken, but I’m going to guess this is Spruce Island. I know that we are close, and I know that there’s an official overlook, but we’re not at that signed overlook, and the other images I might compare to on search engines show me Arch Rock, so who knows?

Arch Rock to Secret Beach Trail in Brookings, Oregon

This is the end of the trail for us as we just about reached Secret Beach. There was a hint of trail that continued down to the beach level, but my fear of exposure to precariously steep slivers of earth held me back. There was also the matter of needing to cross Miller Creek down there that I allowed to give me pause, and while we stood here well satisfied with our third walk of the day, now that I’m writing this, I do wish we’d gone all the way down to the beach to see the view from that perspective. On the bright side of regret, everything about this beautiful trail would invite us to a return visit, and what’s more, we have a solid reason to come back.

Arch Rock to Secret Beach Trail in Brookings, Oregon

And this is the other part of the namesake that identifies this trail, Arch Rock. With so many years traveling this coast, I’m astonished that we could find three new places to visit today that we’d never been to in any of our previous adventures here on the western edge of Oregon. I can only wonder how many hidden gems still exist outside of our view that we are yet to experience if we are so lucky in the years to come to visit yet again. I can share with you that just writing that is an invitation to drop what I’m doing and start scouring maps and travel blogs to find what we’ve missed while dreaming of coming back next November.

Arch Rock to Secret Beach Trail in Brookings, Oregon

There’s really nothing in this photo that hasn’t already been shown in the previous few images, but the shift of where we are on the trail has it looking brand new to us. That or we are reluctant to let go of such a delightful stroll and are trying to bring it all back with us.

Meyers Creek Beach in Gold Beach, Oregon

The reassuring shark tooth/fin of Meyers Creek Beach. One of my all-time favorite images of this place was shot back in 2006 on a gray, blustery day; click here to take a look. Maybe I should explain why it’s reassuring. Down south in California at Garrapata State Park in Big Sur, we’ve watched the beach change in incredible ways where large disappearing rocks are somehow buried in shifting sands or they’ve been broken up and taken into deeper waters. Yet the shark tooth here in Oregon has become a homing beacon for us over the years. But John, aren’t you contradicting one of your basic tenets, and that is that you love change? Anyone who really knows me knows that I’m capable of contradicting almost everything I tell others I believe; such is the fluidity of being able to change my mind.

Meyers Creek Beach in Gold Beach, Oregon

Lest we forget, this is the northern view of Meyers Creek Beach with Highway 101 on the right, so should you find yourself driving down the Oregon coast, you too will have the chance to view this favorite stop of ours, even if you should decide not to scramble over the boulders to reach the beach.

Meyers Creek Beach in Gold Beach, Oregon

But you should make that scramble as the reflections down here seriously worthwhile.

And according to Caroline, the water is fine, maybe not for a swim but certainly for a late fall walk in the surf.

Meyers Creek Beach in Gold Beach, Oregon

While I was ready to go, Caroline insisted that we at least make our way over to the back of the shark fin/tooth, and wouldn’t you know it that her intuition (I meant insatiable appetite to see it all) proved right as I nabbed yet another image I feel worthy of sharing. By the way, Caroline is standing on the left, and if you look closely, you can see her and better understand the scale of this giant rock. After I snapped this great silhouette with the sun just peeking up over the corner, Caroline was flailing her arms about crazily, and she didn’t even have her kite in her hands. She was probably hollering something, too, but who can hear anything over crashing waves?

Meyers Creek Beach in Gold Beach, Oregon

As I approached she was pointing to the sea stars, anemones, and countless mussels and barnacles – score! You’d think my wife had found the leprechaun with a pot of gold due to her wild enthusiasm. I have no idea how many thousands of sea stars this woman has seen, and each time we encounter them in their natural habitat, her inner six-year-old is spirited back into existence as she lets her exuberance flow.

Meyers Creek Beach in Gold Beach, Oregon

Maybe you think she’s any less excited by barnacles? You don’t know her. From the patterns, gradations of color, textures, and sharp edges, along with the clicking sounds they make as they move around in their shells, Caroline is right there studying these crustaceans, looking for a detail she might have overlooked on one of the other 412 encounters with these tidal dwellers. Come to think about it, and for the sake of honesty, I might have also been describing myself.

Meyers Creek Beach in Gold Beach, Oregon

Okay, okay, Caroline, I’m almost done taking my 50 photos of these fascinating barnacles that are just begging to have their images shared on my blog; well, that’s how I am interpreting the clicking sounds.

South of Port Orford, Oregon looking out over the Pacific Ocean

The elevation change should be the first giveaway that we’ve left the tide pool and are continuing our trek; northward we go as tonight’s lodging is to be found up a ways.

South of Port Orford, Oregon looking out over the Pacific Ocean

These two images are similar, but the first one is not a crop of the wider view; they are a reminder to not just give a glance and move on but always try to see more. While the closeup is great in its warm golden glow, intimating the approach of sunset, the wider view lets you see the sun dog.

Port Orford, Oregon

Sure, we were just at Port Orford yesterday, but that was then, and this is now. Something could be different out here today, and sure enough, it is. A couple of fishing boats entered the bay/port area to be removed from the sea, and for maybe the first time, we’d be on hand to see with our own eyes a fishing boat being pulled from the water as there are no berths here.

Port Orford, Oregon

The dozen or so fishing boats that dry dock here have been seen by us for years, and each time we’ve been here, it seems we learn something new. In addition to seeing the crane at work, we now know that Griffs at the Dock restaurant is no more, likely another victim of the COVID-19 plague.

Port Orford, Oregon

If we are quick, we might be able to make Bandon for this evening’s final remnants of sunset, so off we go.

Bandon Beach at sunset in Bandon, Oregon

No disappointment here as the glow of our nearby star wouldn’t disappear so fast that we’d not be able to offer some oohs and ahhs in appreciation of the spectacular sights that were still on offer.

Light often reacts differently depending on how you choose to perceive it. One minute, it’s warm, but from a second away, it turns cool; light moves as we move and is seen through the filter of our perception and maybe of our expectations to some small degree.

Caroline Wise at Face Rock at Bandon Beach in Bandon, Oregon

Obviously, or possibly not so obviously, we made it to Bandon and the famous Face Rock and did so just as the sun was about to slip below the horizon.

Bandon Beach at sunset in Bandon, Oregon

We’ve been places today, so many that we skipped lunch and only got to dinner after reluctantly leaving this beach. As I write this at the restaurant we are eating at, it’s fully dark out, meaning we used every moment of daylight that was available to us today. While a shared appetizer of clams and a salad started to revive me, I have a lot of nothing to write about at this time. Maybe after we check in to our yurt, I’ll find some inspiration between the countless impressions taken in today.

Bullards Beach State Park is home for the night. Specifically, we are set up in yurt C-39. The heater is on and I’m looking for the switch to turn something on inside of me so the words become as abundant as the skies were blue today. The only thing here in my head with any heft is the weight on my eyes that suggests sleep would be more easily found than inspiration.

With nearly 700 photos shot in the past two days now on the computer, I could review the images of today and write to those, but I nearly resent that the computer is on. It’s only on because I try to make daily backups of the photos I’m taking. As for what’s being written, I’m on page 11 of my Moleskine and have a second pen with me should I put down so much ink, but right now, I feel as though the ink is being wasted.

At 9.5 miles walked today over our 11 hours of exploration, it’s no wonder I just want to do nothing. But who simply stops and ceases to go about not reading, not watching TV, not wanting to go on a starlit walk on the shoreline? There’s no way to bargain with ourselves to call it quits and fall asleep, as remaining in bed for the next 10 hours is a non-starter. In any case, getting up at 5:00 on the coast in November means we’d have to wander around in the dark while the temperature is still in the 30s; there’s no appeal in that idea.

I attribute this apathy to our recent bout of COVID. Nothing like this has ever happened in the past, so I’m in unfamiliar territory. Or am I confusing an insistence to write when at other times I’m content to prep photos and leave the writing to a different day? I find a prolific right hand working my mind’s bidding, typically on lengthy days when the sun shines bright for 15 hours or more. Today, with little more than 10 hours of direct sunlight that facilitates outdoor exploration, I must keep moving during those hours and leave the writing as an evening activity. This has been exacerbated on this trip as there’s an imperative to use our blue skies wisely as the weather forecast gave us two days of clear skies and warned that the following eight would offer rain and cloud cover.

No matter the desire to write, I must concede defeat as all I have in me at this time would read something like this: walked, drove, walked, snuggled, walked, held hands, drove, parked, walked, peed off the trail, walked, said I love you, walked, drove, and in between we kept repeating wow until we ran out of oxygen, finally had dinner. End of day.

Measuring Things in Oregon – Day 1

Fall foliage in Eugene, Oregon

Nothing like being teleported out of the desert into a 24-degree (-4c) Pacific Northwest morning in a rental car without seat heaters or even one of those scraping things to de-ice our frosty windshield. While this disorienting shift of time zones (we gained a whole hour) is allowing for yet more experiences to seep into the potential of the day, we are somehow extraordinarily hungry and waste no time finding the closest establishment to satiate this need for hot food.

Sipping on Elmer’s Northwest Lodge Blend of coffee, we are watching the trees of fall catch the rising sun as we wait for the delivery of our first meal of the day. I’m writing with furious gusto as though that will speed the arrival of the egg dishes that should arrive any second, which in turn will allow us to get on the road pointed at an ocean beckoning for our return. Maybe part of my urgency to bounce out of here is related to our Super Walmart experience last night. Airlines should warn travelers when their destination is a parallel universe which might be contrary to the sensibilities of people who enjoy traveling to Europe, and to brace themselves for the risk of setting eyes on the homeless fentanyl crowd. Open sores and bedraggled fellows, kids hitting us up for cash in a store, that was not our scene.

Still, here this morning at Elmer’s, it is apparent that we’re in a damned slow-functioning resort for the obese, decrepit, conservative, and elderly curmudgeons. While I often enjoy eavesdropping on other tables, I draw the line when the dialog risks lowering my own I.Q. or contributing to the PTSD that grips my well-being when recognizing that I’m somewhere from whence I should try to escape posthaste.

Siuslaw River in western Oregon

Our destination might be the ocean, but in a pinch, a river will do. We’ve pulled over here next to the Siuslaw River after having passed miles of great dark green forest, some of it so frosty as to be dusted in white, and with the coastal plain obviously just ahead, this was going to be one of the last moments to share at least something from the 75-minute long drive from Eugene that has brought us to the cusp of our dreams.

Harbor Vista County Park in Florence, Oregon

Hello again, dream world; it’s great to be back for our first glimpse of the sea here at Harbor Vista North Jetty in Florence.

Harbor Vista County Park in Florence, Oregon

One of us walks in the cold sand with their shoes on…

Caroline Wise at Harbor Vista County Park in Florence, Oregon

…the other must get her feet wet and feel the sand between her toes.

Harbor Vista County Park in Florence, Oregon

There’s no time to think, no time to talk, no time to write about impressions out here in the brisk ocean air that greets the cheeks of the desert dwellers. There is only time to feel, smell, and see something that is at once familiar and new all over again.

Harbor Vista County Park in Florence, Oregon

This thin blue line and the blowing sand keeping the ocean where it belongs is all that separates the land from the sea. Consider that the surface of the United States is roughly about 3 million square miles (8 million square kilometers), while the Pacific Ocean is approximately 171 million cubic miles (714 million cubic kilometers). Remember that this is a cubic dimension and not a square. Caroline and I have spent 25 years trying to explore these American states and have barely scratched the surface; no one will ever know the sea and what really happens in its vast depths.

Darlingtonia State Natural Site in Florence, Oregon

Old travel habits are hard to break, so why should today be different than other days? We made it 5 miles before Caroline asked me to pull over to the Darlingtonia State Natural Site, home of the cobra lily of the genus Darlingtonia.

Darlingtonia State Natural Site in Florence, Oregon

This is only the second time we’ve stopped at this small wayside, and both have been during the late fall, but from the photos I took back in 2020, this year’s gathering of carnivorous lilies is looking a bit ragged, likely due to environmental factors though there’s not a botanist in sight to ask for clarification.

Darlingtonia State Natural Site in Florence, Oregon

The day this plant emerged from its egg, it already had a taste for flesh and blood; else how does one explain a plant that eats creatures and ones that voluntarily crawl into its mouth? What, you say plants aren’t born from eggs? Well, that’s news to me or at least I’d like it to be if I stop to think about carnivorous plants because I’m at a loss for how they came about out of the mysteries of evolution.

Darlingtonia State Natural Site in Florence, Oregon

Knowledge might be far away from what little certainty I believe I have, but with my macro lens, I can attempt to bring near those things typically only experienced from a distance, such as smaller details found in this leaf suffering its demise with the changing season.

Darlingtonia State Natural Site in Florence, Oregon

And then there’s this tiny piece of bark that might appear to be close to flaking off its tree, but for now, it’s a symbiotic piece of nature. On its surface, a bit of moss has taken hold, and behind the bark’s edges, I’m going to speculate that there’s a spider family, maybe some mites, or a pathway the local ants travel when out collecting stuff required for the colony. How many squirrels might have walked by or birds dropped in looking for snacks? I’d be willing to wager that I’m the first person to ever photograph this small specimen with such intimacy and that the chances of ever finding it again would be as successful as trying to locate a specific neuron in the 86 billion brain cells I have or a single plankton in those 187 quintillion gallons of water in the nearby Pacific Ocean.

Happy Kamper Yarn Barn in Florence, Oregon

Contemplating things some days earlier, I sketched a few rough ideas of how this first day on the coast might play out, but things are not going according to that guesswork and instead are being usurped by spontaneity and routine. Maybe 500 feet (150 meters) north of the wayside and across the street is the Happy Kamper Yarn Barn that we first visited ten years ago, nearly to the day. As anyone who’s read about our travels and stops at yarn stores already knows, we’ll not be leaving without new yarn, especially this fingering weight yarn that is destined to become yet one more pair of hand-knitted socks for me.

North of Baker Beach in Florence, Oregon

With instincts directing the wheel of the rental car, we drove north, though by now we knew that we’d not be attempting a slow walk in the rainforest of Washburne State Park as by the time we’d get out of that trap of the senses it would be seriously late considering we’d still have to make our way to the south coast where we’re staying this evening. So, if that’s not our goal, we might as well take our time, and it was right about then, while we were discussing options, that I thought I spotted something that required a turnaround. No, not just this view; although it’s certainly worthy, it was a little anomaly in the continuity of the coastal universe.

North of Baker Beach in Florence, Oregon

Just behind the guardrail, I thought I saw what looked like a small trail, and sure enough, that tiny gap quickly descended to a well-worn trail that took us right to the ocean’s edge and a place we’d never been to before.

North of Baker Beach in Florence, Oregon

It’s just a clump of rock with some barnacles on it, but it’s more than that. Maybe it’s part of primordial earth, or did it emerge as lava in the relatively recent past, ending up here on the beach reflecting itself back at me from the wet sand? Like the clouds overhead, it inspires me to find form in its shape; I see a whale here, albeit a small one. Should we ever revisit this particular beach, the likelihood of seeing this rock in just the same way is virtually zero. The sands will have shifted, the rock will give way to further erosion, or maybe a high tide will obscure it, and so in our view, the rock will be forever gone, just like a cloud passing overhead or our own lives passing down the beach.

North of Baker Beach in Florence, Oregon

How many countless steps have we left in the sand, in the transitional, never-to-be-seen-the-same-way-again, shifting earth below our feet? From out of the distant past, we’ve witnessed with our own eyes the impressions of dinosaur feet frozen into stone. There’s a place where a child’s steps are right next to those of a wolf or large dog, and right over in New Mexico at the White Sands National Park are the tracks of a toddler and woman traveling across a playa that includes imprints from a mammoth and a giant sloth, and while those reminders that other species and people have walked over places we can visit today, the majority of impressions left by modern humans will fade and disappear. So, unless I figure out how to cast these words in stone, they, too, will become nothing more than the amorphous fabric that was left behind and recaptured by the elements, leaving no trace of what was there.

North of Baker Beach in Florence, Oregon

Even stone is not impervious to the ravages of time and the elements. All things will return to the sand and gasses of what in another form might have been the sustainers or protectors of life. Bastions, ramparts, armor, lungs, or thick leathery skin is no defense to the passage of this rare commodity measured by days, nights, and the cycles of a planet in relation to its sun. Knowing that you and everything you were will one day disappear, will you be content to simply have existed when, if you are reading this, you were likely born to a kind of privilege the majority of people on our planet can never know? Even if I’m but a grain of sand on this beach, I hope it’ll be the glimmering fleck that captures the eye of something out of the future that is enjoying its brief moment in existence.

Heceta Head Lighthouse and Sealion Beach Vantage Point in Florence, Oregon

In a previous age, the lighthouse was a beacon to seafarers, warning of the dangers that they were approaching land. Nowadays, lighthouses act as tractor beams drawing us to their light, even when those lights were extinguished long ago.

Heceta Head Lighthouse and Sealion Beach Vantage Point in Florence, Oregon

Instead of keeping us at a safe distance, they encourage us to come closer to revel in their rare existence and cherish their unique architectural characteristics. It’s easy to be drawn to a unique building, while a historic one offers intrinsic values that dig deep into our fascination that these things are still around. Take Jonathan, the tortoise who lives in Seychelles: he’ll celebrate his 190th birthday on December 4th this year. None of the curious people I know would turn down the chance to meet and touch this ancient, gentle animal. And for those of us fortunate enough to visit the over 4,000-year-old bristlecone pine trees of the Great Basin of Nevada or the prehistoric redwoods in California, we know the attraction of those things that have survived far longer than any of us gazing into the distant past.

Heceta Head Lighthouse and Sealion Beach Vantage Point in Florence, Oregon

If we take pause and think about it, we also enjoy and are drawn to experiencing the effects nature has played on the evolution of things, such as with sea lions basking in the sun below us as we were positioning ourselves to admire the Heceta Head Lighthouse. It was right here along the Oregon and Washington coasts that it’s believed the first flippered pinnipeds first showed up about 17 million years ago, but when we modern humans stop to look upon a tiny aspect of their lives, it is as though they just emerged from the sea for our enjoyment with little thought given to how many generations of sea lions came before them. My sense is that we have not yet developed an innate ability to appreciate the spectrum of time that life requires to arrive where it has. Maybe this is a negative side effect of religion, where we’ve used stories of magic and the supernatural to explain the mysteries that early humans were unable to comprehend.

Highway 101 looking south towards Florence, Oregon

It is out on the horizon of time (and trying to understand my relationship to it) where I look for the peace of mind that while I may not be able to experience the longevity of a tortoise or bristle cone pine tree, I’m at least capable of considering that I’m able to look back and forward into time’s domain and consider what I’ve learned from its passing and what I might still be able to do with what could lay ahead for me should I be around to explore new moments that are yet to be experienced in the future.

Looking out over the Pacific Ocean from Highway 101 north of Florence, Oregon

Out in the chaos of everything, the order of it all remains in constant flux as the energy of nature shifts things across time. The way I understand it, even constants have slight variations, but the contrivance of the arrogance of humans to find stasis is, in my view, hostile to the nature of our potential. Mind you, particular laws of nature and society should be respected, such as gravity containing oceans in their basins and our rules for penalizing transgressions against fellow humans and probably against the creatures with whom we share our space, too. Not that people are even near the precipice of unleashing our potential as the effect of centuries of uncertainty and the modern age exploiting fear has left our species afraid of the future, hence why we strive to contain variations that disturb the superficial surface of things.

Driving south on Highway 101 in Oregon

Where does the time go? One minute, you’re eating lunch at the Little Brown Cafe in Florence, not Italy, and the next moment, you become aware of the blur of having been driving south for hours, which is required if are going to reach Brookings down near the California state line by sunset. Being inland for much of the drive, it’s not like we could be distracted with a dozen oceanside stops, while the forest roads often barely have a shoulder, so even if we wanted to stop for photos of the afternoon sun lending a vibrant glow to the moss and hanging lichen on tree branches, we were stymied by highway engineers who neglected to add those important pullouts.

Port Orford, Oregon

Choose your battles wisely, they always say, and so it was as the Wises pulled over at Battle Rock Wayside Park in Port Orford for the sunset as it was obvious that if it wasn’t now, it might not happen today if it was our hope to see a spectacular sunset.

Port Orford, Oregon

While the famous Face Rock is found a couple of dozen miles north of us in Bandon, Oregon, this equally well-worn sister rock in Port Orford should be noted as a monument, too. Sadly, it is not, but from where I’m standing, I’d swear this is an Eastern Island Statue Face Rock and deserves recognition as such. Come to think about it, just on the left of it is Nipple Rock, and while you might want to jump to conclusions and see the two humps behind the nipple as boobs, I’d strongly disagree, though, as camel humps, I could see that. So, while not given the status or official name it should have, I present you with Camel Hump Nipple Statue Face Rock. [Nice try, John, but this rock is already noted and has a name – Tichenor Rock – Caroline]

Battle Rock Wayside Park in Port Orford, Oregon

As soon as I’m satisfied that I’ve captured the various perspectives available from this overlook, we’ll turn our attention to putting ourselves down on that beach with the others to experience the sunset here.

Battle Rock Wayside Park in Port Orford, Oregon

In my intro from yesterday morning, I spoke of things near and far and the lenses I’d bring to capture these spaces. I also offered hope that I’d do the same with the thinking I’d put forward in this post. While I may fail in the thinking and writing, this silhouette image contains elements from two images above the one prior, the trees in golden light and Camel Hump Nipple Statue Face Rock. In those two photos, I used a 70-200mm lens to bring to me what might have failed to be seen in previous visual encounters with the exact same places. The point this opens is that our perspective is often myopic. but more important than our vision being nearsighted, we need to look at our minds and those 86 billion brain cells whose capacity we cannot fathom. What if that gray matter in our skull is like the impossibly giant ocean, but instead of a great diversity of impressions and life, it were filled mostly with goldfish, plastic trash, and a fixed view that everything we know and will ever know is already mostly had? Well, if they are the brains of John and Caroline Wise, we will not relent in trying to discover what’s hidden in the places right before our faces as we share the idea that the onion-like layers of life experiences are near infinite while the time we’ve been afforded to glean them is but a brief interlude on the stage of the universe.

Battle Rock Wayside Park in Port Orford, Oregon

As above, does not always convey equally to, so below. While the height differential is minimal, just a short walk down a sandy trail and the changes offered to the senses are tremendous. Above, we cannot touch the shore, the surf, nor hear the world around us in quite the same way; we must go forward inching our way closer to touching the abyss of unknowns. Will the water be cold, the sand soft, and the sounds sharp or pleasant? We’ll not know, and should you accept conventional wisdom, you might come to believe that the Oregon coast would be too cold and hostile for your comfort or enjoyment at this time of year. I’d counter, even dare you to glance over the more than 100 posts on this blog that detail our experiences and see what we’ve captured and enjoyed. You can trust that we’ve heard, more times than we can remember, the voices of uncertainty that challenge our discretion about heading to such an inhospitable destination. I believe these are the same people who are able to convince themselves that most everything outside of their narrow routines could be fraught with discomfort and danger. Discovery is, after all, a dangerous curve that could challenge current beliefs, blinding one to mistaken certainty as though they’d looked into the sun.

While I’ve only been so fortunate to be looking into this face of love for the past 33 years, those eyes that have been searching for knowledge, truth, and deep experiences have, in effect, been cultivating love in her heart her entire life. Instead of crashing into the wall of disappointment that love would never be found and shared, Caroline and I discovered one another and learned how to negotiate bumps on the shore, the gray clouds that occasionally obscure the sun, and have catered to each other’s insatiable thirst for the wow moments available to those who enjoy smiling. When I look into those eyes, I don’t only see a wife looking back; I see a long history of her delight in all the other things I’ve caught her smiling at, such as sand dollars, forests, rainbows, rocks, yarn, art, old people holding hands, a kite taking to the sky, her mom laughing, and words printed on a page. I’m fairly certain that Caroline doesn’t hold any secrets about the universe; I don’t believe she cares about having all the answers, but what I want to feel she has an abundance of is an intense curiosity that’s amplified by having someone with whom to share the experiences that arise from that.

Battle Rock Wayside Park in Port Orford, Oregon

What if I told you that the sun setting does not bring darkness but offers inner illumination of the heart for those who witness its descent below the horizon? How can I make such a claim? Caroline and I have watched the sunset countless times by now, and every time we do so, our smiles are beaming at one another for the rest of the day, which can only be explained by hearts bursting with energy fed by the sun, or do you have a better explanation?

Battle Rock Wayside Park in Port Orford, Oregon

And what about those who just keep on seeing more sunsets? You guessed it, we likely have to giggle with each other at some point to let go of the abundance of beauty we were absorbing.

Battle Rock Wayside Park in Port Orford, Oregon

As for the effects wrought from gazing upon silver blue and golden orange water in those waning moments of the sun? We have not quite worked out how perfection cubed influences what is already beyond the charts of total wowness.

Battle Rock Wayside Park in Port Orford, Oregon

With senses aglow with the giddiness of having experienced a fantastic sunset at a wonderful spot nearing the end of our daylight hours, we were able to continue our adventure south. The dark silvery-gray sheen of the sea on our right, with a thin line of red-orange warmth of civil twilight, kept the purr of happiness moving along with us as the road ahead grew darker. Only an hour left before reaching the next magical place on our travel map.

Yurt at Harris Beach State Park in Brookings, Oregon

The crescendo hits as we drive into Harris Beach State Park and check into yurt C-26. The heater was already on, so the only thing left to do was drag our stuff in and make our bed before heading out for dinner while something might still be open. At this point, our elation nearly falls off a cliff as we’d be a whole lot happier to dip into an ice chest and crate of things from the car, but that was sacrificed in order to claim the extra time along the coast gained with flying up, so back to the car we reluctantly crawl.

Yurt at Harris Beach State Park in Brookings, Oregon

I have always loved pulling up to these tables for a writing session in the various yurts we’ve rented over these many years. Tonight, though, I find myself lethargic, apathetic even. As the pen meets the paper, the mind feels like the tide is going out. Sure, we are nearly 15 hours into this day, and a myriad of reasons can easily be identified, including last night’s late arrival, the difficulty found in sleeping on the first day out, a timezone change, my recent COVID recovery, and of course, that taskmaster called aging but none of these factors are welcome here on our vacation. I have demands, one is that I find productivity in the exercise of word transference from the mind through pen upon the open notebook that won’t be filling itself.

If I can find 10,000 steps, I should be able to locate a couple of thousand words that emerge from an experience that took in countless impressions. Instead of playing with a flow of words, I’m being drawn to the great outdoors, where stars beckon our imagination with silent calls to stand in awe of their magnitude filling the expanse of the inky sky we can hardly comprehend. The wind picks up and shakes bits and bobs from the trees that fall upon our yurt, nearly tricking us into believing it could be raining, though we know full well that the clear star-filled sky is the canopy set high over this campground tonight.

The rumble of crashing waves blends with the occasional passing of vehicles out on the highway, not that we expect the world for merely $50 a night but from our perspective, we are getting just that – the world. This form of perfection may not fit other’s ideas of luxury but for the two of us here this evening, our shared time is too fleeting not to understand the gift of the incredible when we find ourselves within it.

In my tired mind and body, I can find no profundity to wring out the intensity of today’s experience, which remains elusive to my right hand. Instead, I flick my wrist and see the clock ticked into the next hour, which can be perceived to be later than it is, at least back in Arizona. Now, I’m struggling to continue this splashing of ink onto paper and must concede that it’s time to splash a sleepy mind upon the waves of dreams that lay over the horizon of wakefulness. If I’m fortunate, tonight’s sleeping adventures will sneak in from the ocean, blow in on the breeze, or simply emerge from the delight of two traveling nerds deeply in love taking refuge in a cozy yurt.