The Fifth Element – 25th Anniversary Showing

Caroline Wise, Tommy "Tiny" Lister, and John Wise at Disneyland in Anaheim, California

This afternoon Caroline and I went to the movies to watch the 25th-anniversary screening of The Fifth Element with Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich, Gary Oldman, and Tiny Lister. Back in 2009, we were visiting Disneyland, and sitting on a wall waiting for his family to emerge from the same bathroom Caroline was in, was this guy, Tiny Lister. You may not know, it but he played President Lindberg in The Fifth Element. I knew it as though we’d watched the film a dozen years before, it was an iconic movie in our lives and much of the dialog and soundtrack got stuck in our heads.

So, did it hold up? Nearly 25 years later and we are still in love with The Fifth Element. Everything that bothered us back then still bothers us today but on the whole, it’s just a great film.

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