60 Days

The wretched view from Self-Isolation prison in Phoenix, Arizona

Well, that’s enough for concern; time to prepare ourselves for wholesale death by the bucketload. Sixty days of the masses being bored were enough for the armed thugs who supposedly had all been prepared for the apocalypse to demand and gain their release from lockdown. Of course, there’s the other part of this: how can our President get out and campaign if his voters are told to stay at home? Finally, if their fearless leader doesn’t need no stinking mask, obviously, they will be immune to this fake virus with fake deaths created by the fake media.

If you’ve not picked up on it yet, I’m a fake writer, a bot put here by Hillary but meant to look like I’m a stooge for George Soros and the global elite. Everybody knows the truth: those who are protesting are patriots looking out for their grandmother’s social security and will take a hit if people aren’t working. The nice thing about being a fake blogger is that I can write anything here (and often do) that not only nobody reads, nobody cares about, and nobody even sees. These words don’t really even exist right now. They are electronic representations of fantasy meant to convey nothing meaningful in any meaningful way, and yet they blink into existence on your screen and will just as quickly give way to the void, just like those protesting for their freedom by joining large groups of like-minded idiots not wearing masks.

Sixty days of having to watch spring giving way to summer, though when you live in the desert, it feels more like sorta warm, giving way to the season of really hot. Sixty days of getting used to cooking at home all the time, except those days we picked up In & Out Burgers, had a pizza and wings delivered, had Mexican food on our only drive more than a few miles from home, and the take out we grabbed from a friend who operates HEK Yeah BBQ just down the street. Sixty days of spending nearly 24 hours a day together and still smiling at one another and complaining that we still don’t seem to have enough time for each other. Sixty days of feeling like we are not part of the potential problem might have been helpful in not contributing to the premature death of someone we may have never known.

Sixty days of wondering where our vision is and why nobody has told the nearly 40 million recently unemployed to sign up for online classes of any sort and that the educational institutions should bill the government. Sixty days of wondering about our next travels and sixty days of exploring our hobbies nearly every day. Life’s been good from our perspective.

During these days of reflection and skill honing, I’ve now walked 952,972 steps, or 443.85 miles, and climbed 744 floors, or 8,928 feet. This means I average about 7.4 miles a day, 12.4 floors a day, and 15,883 steps. This was the equivalent of walking from the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. to Myrtle Beach in South Carolina or from Kansas City, Kansas, to Minneapolis in Minnesota. Regarding all those floors, I’m about 1/3 up Everest by comparison. For my friends in the metric world, I’ve walked 719km, which is nearly equivalent to walking from Velika Kladuša, Bosnia and Herzegovina, across Croatia and Slovenia, climbing over the Alps of Austria and up the road into Pilsen, Czechia, for a beer.

Back to the bucketloads of death: Arizona saw its first infected person back on January 26th; on March 20th, the state had its first death, and now we have 12,674 cases of people infected with COVID-19 and 624 deaths from it. So in 55 days, we went from our first death to averaging about 11 a day, and now that we are seeing between 20 and 30 dead Arizona citizens every day, our Governor has decided that things are as good as they’re gonna get and that it’s time for us to get busy again.

Tomorrow, everything will be normal, and it will be like the virus never even happened, except for the 85,000 Americans who didn’t die from not-COVID-19. Funny how we were involved in Vietnam for 11 years between the Cold and Hot War, and during that time, we lost 58,000 servicemen, which was considered a NATIONAL TRAGEDY. We have a government that, by inaction and wishful thinking, is in part responsible for the death of 85,000 Americans in 60 days, and that’s just the way it goes. Yes, we are that stupid, but in 60 days, I was able to walk the equivalent of going from Nouakchott on the coast of Mauritania out to Tintane, Mauritania, on the edge of the Sahara. That’s in Africa, not that this has anything to do with anything but that’s just the way it is, kind of like tomorrow.

Today’s photo is the wretched view from a Self-Isolation Prison that I must stare at when searching for words I claim as my own.

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