Of course, Millennials don’t care about protecting others; they are not Homo Sapiens. Some years ago, back in October 2015, I wrote a story for my TimefireVR blog about “A New Species.” In that article, I postulated an idea that Homo Sapiens at a genetic level had realized its species was doomed and that unbeknownst to any of us, our genetics had mutated with an effort to create a new type of person that would be ready for a future not based on our mindless locust-like tendencies. The earth needs a version of humans that will care for and respect the planet, while Homo Sapiens have proven they are not capable. This is the dawn of that new beginning. Look at the clear waters in the canals of Venice, the clean air over China, and soon the unpolluted air over America. The age of the selfish Sapien is closing, giving rise to Homo Intelligens. You can read my old story by clicking the date above or clicking here.
Back on February 27, 2010, I published an article about Universal Basic Income called the W.I.S.E. Theory or World Income Stabilization Economic Theory, which was premised on a made-up character named Dr. Joseph Marcusia (not the real name of the barista I used as a reference model). The main idea behind my concept was that each American is potentially worth $100,000 and is taxed at 100% until they start working. Then, over time, with further education, community participation, volunteering, etc., the person would move into lower tax brackets until reaching higher and higher incomes before plateauing, which would then allow them to opt out of the UBI. Read this article by clicking here or the date above.
Last November, my post was called, There’s No Time to Waste, about how precious our time here is and how much of it is flittered away. Right about now, I think there are a lot of people considering the conditions of what they have to look forward to and the danger that a resource that most take for granted is devilishly intertwined with the general health of the collective and not just the individual.
I Am The Toad was penned on April 24, 2019, and was written from the perspective of a toad that lectures us about our feeble 200,000-year existence on earth, where frogs and toads have lived for 370 million years, and how we were creating our exit due to environmental pressures we were carelessly exerting on our planet.
It’s as though my writing was building up for this time when we humans might reawaken to what’s important, such as all things beautiful. On March 14, 2019, I published my story titled Excruciating Beauty, which laments our ugliness and ends with me stating that We need to learn to share more beauty and create more happiness.
Writing one year ago this month was a busy time. My mind was engaged in larger existential questions and as I delve through these old blog entries tagged as Thoughts, I find many relevant topics that will hopefully find resonance in people should we escape the sickness that is just getting started. A day before the previous entry, I penned this one, titled Living / Dying, where I posited: It takes a man dying to let people know he’s lived a good life while a man alive may never let anyone know he is alive at all. We pop into existence with all the potential of something that approaches the infinite or at least as much as human capability allows. Then, too often, we squander our most limited resources before we pop out of existence to join the astral plane. What did we do to validate our existence, not necessarily for others, but for ourselves?
And then, just the day before writing of our very existence, I was talking about being Torn Asunder. This March 12th, 2019, blog post looks at our division and mistrust and now today, nearly a year later, we are being asked to trust and come together for the common good. Where was the leadership asking this of us when times were GREAT?
Just a day before, the flurry of thoughts that were consuming me had me ask, Here is our disconnect. While we’ve been entertaining ourselves to death, the force of nature has been busy creating the conditions that will task us with the herculean chore of rearranging the molecular structure that is embodied in the fabric of our existence and that of being knowledge-driven entities. How, then, do we go about placing the 21st-century equivalent of the shovel into the clutch of humans who need to get to work building our future? This is a fragment from The Enigmatic Age of Digital Complexity.
March 10th, 2019, I find myself writing Love Your Time as, over the course of all my years of sharing thoughts, it seems that LOVE has been an ever-present theme.
I’m going to end this Self-Isolation Day 6 entry with a nod to what I wrote on February 27th, 2019, titled We Are Neanderthals. Here’s an excerpt:
I feel overwhelmed by the awareness that we are squandering the resource of knowledge by pandering to a majority we dare not ask to abandon their primitive base nature. We are rewarding behaviors incompatible with a species at the cusp of ever-greater enlightenment…
…As a society and species, we are marginalizing the better half of our potential found in caring, thinking, sharing, and cultivating a culture that has largely been relegated as being secondary to a perceived constant threat from the “other.”
Then, before calling it quits, I remember I wanted to track my exercise regime here. I managed to eke out 16,600 steps, which comes to 7.7 miles or 12.5km, which somehow let me capture 152 active minutes. I was about to hit save when I thought of something missing from these previous days. To stay healthy during our plague, we must be vigilant in washing our hands and maintaining social distancing; meaning stay at least 6 feet or 2 meters away from others, exercise, get proper sleep, and try to minimize the need to visit shops or other people. While it’s not a forced quarantine yet, I’m guessing that’s coming right around Monday. *Update: Not 2 minutes after posting this, I go to Drudge Report and see that the Washington Examiner is reporting that as soon as the National Guard and Military are in place, this will probably be announced before the end of the weekend.