Sunflower Trail 25A

This is Bob and Bob drives an off-road vehicle he built himself. It’s more like a Frankenstein creation with parts taken from different other vehicles but as the guy who owns and operates the Eurosport car repair shop next to HEK Yeah BBQ on Cave Creek, I guess he knows a thing or two about cars.

Speaking of HEK Yeah brings me to who invited me out here today, Kenny. He picked me up this morning at 7:30 to join him in his SUV and some guys who’d be caravaning with us with their three vehicles up to the Sunflower off-road vehicle trails encompassing roads 25 and 25A. There are some other roads that trail off of those two but they are the main ones that matter.

With tire pressures lowered for better surface contact and more pliability when driving over rocks (I didn’t know this beforehand) we are ready to head over some rough Arizona terrain. Oh wait, nobody told me anything about narrow trails with crazy falloff down sheer cliff sides. Only a few miles in and I’m throwing in the towel to start hiking back as I’m certain I will not be able to stomach being on the passenger side of the vehicle when we have to come back this way.

I assured the rest of the guys I’d be fine with my water and pistachios and that I’d meet them later at the fork of the 25 and 25A. With that, I started my hike out. It’s quiet out here, seriously quiet and seriously beautiful.

I looked for snakes, javelinas, bobcats, tarantulas, and coyotes but the only wildlife I saw, though I heard more than I saw, were the birds. Walking up the steep hill there was the everpresent sound of the stream that bubbled below as it cut its path through the canyon. As for the moon, it was as quiet as ever.

My entire way back was much more appreciated by walking speed as driving by even at only 10mph doesn’t leave me the time to find sights such as these.

And then there are the little details such as this very small bush clinging to the rock side.

When Kenny caught up with me (it turned out he couldn’t progress further up the trail from the point I started my hike out) we scouted some campsites out and around the area.

It’s nice out here and there are alternative roads to the 25A that stopped us from progressing on its road but we are close enough to the Beeline Highway that its noise carries through the hills. Also, during the day at least, there is a lot of gunfire along with a stupid amount of casings that people don’t bother to collect. One other tragic side of being out on these roads that are maintained for the kind of outdoor enthusiasts who benefit from the infrastructure supplied for them, they shoot every sign they can, shoot most of the trees, shot up a water tank that was right next to this fence, leave beer cans, water bottles, even McDonalds trash out here. I wonder if these are the same angry people who complain about how their tax dollars are spent because I don’t think the roads and signs put themselves out there.

Maybe next time Kenny is looking for a travel partner we can better prepare and find a hiking trail from a remote road as he certainly appreciates the taking in the small things along with the sights and sounds out here, maybe even as much as his dog Dobby. Had a great time out here getting a little further off the trail than is typical for my average Sunday.

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