Modified Fasting

Avocados and Green Superfood

Here I am again trying near starvation. This week’s regimen is a modified Fasting Modified Diet (FMD). Instead of the Prolon version, I’m saving the $250 and trying to substitute with avocado and Green Superfood. What is all this you ask? A month ago I spent a week on a heavily restricted diet that kept my caloric intake under 850 calories per day. It’s designed by Dr. Valter Longo to mimic a water-only fast and includes the aforementioned $250 box of foodstuffs.

Back when I was first considering FMD I was still quite skeptical about the whole thing so I was thinking of trying the avocado variant when a friend I’d told about the program asked me about going in on a fast using a box of food items, specially designed by Prolon, that very precisely supply the balance of nutrients as recommended by Dr. Longo’s exhaustive research. She was taking advantage of a buy-2-get-1-free promo which allowed me to pay just $165 to test the efficacy for myself. It wasn’t the easiest thing I’ve tried but I liked the results.

As my friend wanted to use her second box she asked if I was up for round two. I said sure but I wanted to explore the avocado suggestion. So, starting yesterday morning I began this modified fast.

My diet for all five days of this week will be as follows: I do my best to not eat my first “meal” of the day until noon. That meal is one avocado with a bit of olive oil and lemon and an 8-ounce glass of water with Green Superfood powder. I do this twice a day for lunch and dinner. These 400 calorie meals are supposed to make fasting easier and while it’s not strictly a fast the nutritional makeup of this diet is intended to “trick” the body into acting as though it is a real fast.

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