Love Your Time

Beautiful Sunday sky in Arizona

Love is amplified and brought into clarity the closer one gets to understanding what will remain unknown and unshared. Each new song is a reminder that the next may go unheard. Rolling hills bathed in verdure punctuated with wildflowers sing at us that this is love when able to be shared.

Love not known is silence, even in the howling face of noise. Loneliness has forgotten the song and has stolen the memories that are the only thing truly amassed in this lifetime. Sadness is the absence of celebration and is experienced as neglect from a love that was never shared. Better to wrap oneself in the fabric of potential that these are not lost or no longer achievable experiences but are there in our dreams and the soundtracks of our lives. We must actively find and/or cultivate love at every moment of our waking and sleeping existence.

Love is the tender hand of care, of reaching out to affirm our existence. It takes the form of feeding each other whatsoever is required to nourish the other. Love is reaffirmed in the fragility of mistakes because we are not perfect, and our flaws remind us how much we need unconditional love. Being human is to flirt with the multitude of our feelings, but to be a human in love, we must become intimate with the most fragile of emotions. What is it that mingles in sound and music that brings us to weeping, tickles us at the image of beauty where light conveys a sensuality, allowing us to see the most beautiful sunset ever? How does the nature of sweeping a passion into our hearts bring all of our senses to the edge of recognizing our mortality?

The cascade of love pours forth into an abyss of time where it will never fill the void created by such an immense space. The flow of passion can only be felt in those rare showers when but a drop may splash upon you at first but in a blink, one is drenched in a knowing of ecstatic love few may ever have the fortune to know firsthand. Wrapped in the cold shell of being present should not be the clothes of our daily existence; we must don the exquisite wardrobe of love where our hearts are in concert, dancing to the song that intertwines our being.

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