Recombinant Light

Things in the Coffee Shop

In the recombinant light, where parallel universes meet on the fringe of awareness, there are traces of quantum phenomena that, when observed by travelers fortunate enough to have discovered these rarefied domains, have been known to impart an elusive illumination of mind where awareness of its recesses are mapped and become available.

It’s not that our instincts and subconscious do not tap these areas of the ephemeral brain; it’s more about the fact that the majority of humanity over the course of our history has not had the opportunity of peering so deeply into areas responsible for creating our perception of reality. How light and its varied spectra are interpreted has a direct correlation to not only our language and hearing facility but also our knowledge of depth and distance across reality and time.

When tuned to seeing across time, the minds of humans are able to project themselves well into the future. While we have always had rudimentary abilities in this respect (hence why we created languages that allowed us to tell of our intentions in the future and recall what we’ve done in the past), our myopic version of this sense has been limited to our local environments and immediate community.

The idea that the tools for penetrating the mask of consciousness were discouraged and even forbidden due to a controller culture that feasted on greed while not understanding the potential to be discovered where the creativity of knowledge could deliver abundance was, for a large part of history a failure of our ancestors that continues through today with many of our contemporaries.

As matter and its recipe for building things at the molecular level were unfolding a primitive fear of exploring the unknown was still ruling the day. Little did people recognize that they were peering into the universe of creation and that they were looking into a mirror of their own potential.

Finally, as years of intellectual servitude give way to a need to explore any and all solutions to the paralyzing cultural and environmental malaise that has embraced the people of our planet, a cadre of guides must take up our electronic tools and build a type of digital psychedelic interface. Those curious enough and ready to peer within should then start to glean hints of enlightenment. With masses of people recognizing that our eyes and minds have been closed to who and what we are, a radical paradigm shift of work, economy, exploration, politics, and community can begin to emerge.

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