We were told that Biscuit Head for breakfast was popular but not 20-minute-line popular. Was the wait worth it? Of course, it was. After we ate, it was time to get on the road for a bit of driving.
This is where things get sketchy in our photographic history because it appears I only shot three photos all day. I had my DSLR with me, and on other days, you can see the black strap on my shoulder, but searching high and low we do not find any other photos of this trip. While I may have opted for the convenience of my smartphone to snap the majority of the photos, it just doesn’t seem possible that on such a beautiful day that took us from North Carolina over to Tennessee into Gatlinburg and back into the Smoky Mountains that I wouldn’t have any other images from the day. So it goes, at least I have this one of us in front of the state which I should point out that the “e” on Cocke County is silent.
A break from the rush into BBQ with a luxurious dinner at a place called The Admiral. On the left are frog legs, and on the right are sweetbreads (pancreas chunks). Whatever we had for our main course is lost in time, like the details of our daylight hours wandering around a National Park and another state. One thing I’m certain of is that we surely had a great day.