Looking For The New World – TimefireVR

Leo from TimefireVR

A change of astonishing magnitude is coming our way in the form of Virtual Reality. Soon we will be communicating in vastly different circumstances than most anyone could possibly imagine at this time.

For millennia, we humans have scratched our thoughts into the dirt, upon cave walls, or carved our mark on trees. We used pigments to draw on our skin and then applied them to canvases, which became part of our body of art. Communication is obviously a large part of our social natures, but I already wrote about that in a previous blog entry; click here if you care to read it.

To move any part of our dialog to a new medium that not only communicates but envelops all of our senses is placing us literally into a “New World.”

History can show us the advancements that have come with the discovery of new territories. Look to the European “discovery” of the Americas. Yes, I acknowledge that Native Americans didn’t need to be discovered, but that doesn’t change the fact that profound advancements rose out of this with serious positive changes for the world.

Humanity continued on the tradition by taking us to the North Pole with Robert Peary, rafting the unknown Colorado River system with John Wesley Powell, or flying to the moon with Neil Armstrong. These efforts I believe, are part of an instinct of people to go out and discover what’s out there.

So what’s in Virtual Reality? A new world with new planets and exotic new life is what’s “out” there! It will be up to the intrepid adventurer to look into the magical device known as the HMD, a.k.a. Head Mounted Device, a.k.a. Virtual Reality Goggles, and discover what’s to be found. If your eyes and mind are closed to finding the new, it will certainly never find you. Look hard and watch out because something is about to happen in our journey of discovery.

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