Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse RIP

Caroline Wise at Pinnacle Peak Patio Steak House in Scottsdale, Arizona

This is the last time we will ever eat at Pinnacle Peak Patio in Scottsdale, Arizona. The steakhouse opened in 1957, and on June 28, 2015, it will serve its last Cowboy steak. While we never ate here frequently, it was nice knowing that places like this still survived.

John Wise at Pinnacle Peak Patio Steak House in Scottsdale, Arizona

Overhead are some of the thousands of ties that had been cut off the patrons who dared enter this place wearing formal attire. Other than prices going up over the years, nothing really changed, and the menu remained consistent.

Pinnacle Peak Patio Steak House in Scottsdale, Arizona

This is the 24-ounce Cowboy steak, a Porterhouse. Served with whole wheat bread, cowboy beans, and some corn on the cob, this was as fancy as it got here. A little more of the flavor of the Old West is disappearing.

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