Caroline took off for the weekend to Prescott, Arizona to spend time with our friend Sandy, who was going to be teaching Caroline a thing or two about sewing. I stayed home to learn a thing or two about making films using my Canon T2i HDSLR. The webinar I signed up for was held in Seattle, Washington at CreativeLive and broadcast to participants from around the world, including me here in Phoenix, Arizona. The 3-day workshop was hosted by noted Director of Photography Gale Tattersall. Gale is most recently known for his work on a hit TV show called House. His last episode was shot on Canon 5D’s – a first.
The webinar was terrific with the first day looking at the capabilities of the HDSLR as a platform for shooting professional-grade films. My favorite quote of the day from Gale, “If you have a great script, you could shoot on gaffer tape and no one would care.” The other two days dealt with lighting and shooting a scene. Turns out that CreativeLive offers a bunch of great courses they have created with the help of renowned professionals. In addition to Gale’s 3-day workshop, be sure to check out Vincent Laforet’s March 2011 session if you are interested in turning your inexpensive HDSLR into a movie camera.