Gale Tattersall

Photo of my computer monitors while I was watching the Gale Tattersall webinar about HDSLR filmmaking at

Caroline took off for the weekend to Prescott, Arizona to spend time with our friend Sandy, who was going to be teaching Caroline a thing or two about sewing. I stayed home to learn a thing or two about making films using my Canon T2i HDSLR. The webinar I signed up for was held in Seattle, Washington at CreativeLive and broadcast to participants from around the world, including me here in Phoenix, Arizona. The 3-day workshop was hosted by noted Director of Photography Gale Tattersall. Gale is most recently known for his work on a hit TV show called House. His last episode was shot on Canon 5D’s – a first.

The webinar was terrific with the first day looking at the capabilities of the HDSLR as a platform for shooting professional-grade films. My favorite quote of the day from Gale, “If you have a great script, you could shoot on gaffer tape and no one would care.” The other two days dealt with lighting and shooting a scene. Turns out that CreativeLive offers a bunch of great courses they have created with the help of renowned professionals. In addition to Gale’s 3-day workshop, be sure to check out Vincent Laforet’s March 2011 session if you are interested in turning your inexpensive HDSLR into a movie camera.

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