And One is Vulgar

Man at local Phoenix area restaurant with flipped middle finger tattoo on the back of his head

Forget the New World Order, welcome to your New American Civility. Rebellion by college youth has given way to consumption conformity. Rebellion by intellectual elites who foment revolution to throw off usurpers of civil liberties was abandoned by wealth-induced comfort. Rebellion against our parents was replaced by iPhones, a new Xbox, rides to school and soccer practice by parents pushed to paranoia that their children may not have the confidence to be sufficiently arrogantly snobbish – one of the requirements for self-righteous future business leaders. Rebellion has devolved to the level of knuckle scraping Neanderthals, sitting comfortably in corporate restaurants with families of working people, displaying their disdain for all that is normal.

What kind of evolutionary non-sense has unfolded upon our species or are the creationists right? I thought as teens we threw off the shackles of our parent’s outdated modes of archaic survival only to join the masses with a new set of self-imposed shackles shortly afterward. In the years we are supposed to be building our base of knowledge for a path towards wisdom we are replacing it with knuckle tattoos, name-calling, adult obsessions with television shows where pain is self-inflicted, dancing celebrities, or other contrivances hyped by fellow human beings. Today at lunch, sitting at the table next to ours was this guy,  whose back of his bald head was giving me the finger. I suppose this was cool in jail and let the rivals to his criminal tribe know he is a badass who without fear can flip the bird to anyone’s child, grandmother, or international visitor in any public space,  that he could partake his fill of liberty and then add a t-shirt to his cranial billboard announcing that he is not happy enough to visually curse you but would like to announce that the death of others is somehow an admirable quality that makes this guy just cool for being so bald, tall, bikerish, menacing, and in your face. Take that you people eating lunch at Cracker Barrel as I spit vulgarity in your general direction!

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