Seeya Later

Jessica Aldridge (Wise) with her great great aunt Eleanor Burke

Today my family shrunk by one great big wonderful soul, Auntie, also known as Eleanor Burke passed away. This grand lady strode into life in 1912 and from 1963 onward (the year I was born) offered me a smile every time I would be so lucky to have shared a moment with her. Before Auntie’s passing, my daughter Jessica had one more chance to visit with her great-great-aunt, and shortly after that my mother-in-law on a visit from Germany also had the opportunity to spend some time listening to stories recounting a wonderful life in Buffalo, New York. Caroline and I last saw her in the hours before she departed. Not only was she a sweet 97-year-old lady, but she was also a terrific lady her entire life. Click here to view one of my favorite photos of Eleanor.

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