Racism on Drudge Report

Anti Muslim racist headline at Drudge Report February 16, 2009

There are times at the Drudge Report where my skin crawls and I bristle at the manipulation of the news this service provides. Today, the top left column of the Drudge Report features the above headline, “NY Muslim Charged with Beheading His Wife!”. The original headline from The Buffalo News phrased it as, “Prominent Orchard Park man charged with beheading his wife”. No exclamation point but way more importantly, no mention of the man’s religious affiliation. When the Drudge Report reports about the “average” American, such as the girl last week charged with setting seven arson fires in the Philadelphia area she was just a “Woman” charged, not a Christian Woman charged with arson. My other pet peeve regarding the Drudge Report is my perception that the reporting is misogynist, has anyone else noticed how there appears to be a propensity to feature some of the worst photography when it comes to Democratic women and liberal female celebrities?

2 Replies to “Racism on Drudge Report”

  1. Gotta love it! I can’t wait until the day when they have a story on Karl Rove. I wonder if it will read "Fat, white, bald, Episcopalian involved in White House Scandal." Somehow, I doubt it.

  2. Hi John, I can’t find your phone# call me when you have a chance…been waiting to see you guys at the farmers market, no sign of you yet…hope all is well with you guys….looks like we will have apples and pears this year…trees are in bloom…we have bees in the orchard and no sign of a hard frost yet…yippy!!!! apple picking time.. take care, June and Marvin

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