
A fly sitting atop bolting carrot flowers

Back at Tonopah Rob’s Vegetable Farm after spending the early part of the morning milking goats. Since my nerves were still shot due to yesterday afternoon’s wild goat chase, I took some time out for a couple of hours by following insects around to photograph them. About that goat chase: Everything had gone so well during the morning when Celia had still been there that I thought I had everything under control. I went to get Mary from the goat pen but she wasn’t being cooperative so I grabbed the lasso and quickly had her collared and over on the milking bench. I figured, why keep the lasso on, she’s eating the corn, getting milked, she came around – no problems. Which was true, that is until she finished eating (she gets extra food for milking). She jumped off the platform and had different ideas as to which direction she should be heading. Usually, she would run over to the gate to rejoin the herd, but not today. I had closed the farm gate as directed, so no prob there – right? Sure enough, Mary headed down the driveway, for the gate. Hah, I thought, I have her cornered now! Nope, I can’t believe that goat fit through that small opening between the bars of the gate, but slip out she did, and off she went into the desert. Great, now what? Call Celia’s friend Pam – HELP! To make a long story short, Mary was on the loose for only about an hour. You can’t imagine how happy I was that it was only 102 degrees out there and not 115 ….grrrrrr. So you see, following pesky flies zipping from flower to flower was a lot more fun than chasing a wiley goat through sand and brush.

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