
Baby goat in bathtub avoiding the scorching summer heat in Tonopah, Arizona

This week I will be tending to the milking of some goats at Chile Acres while Jimmie and Celia are on vacation in Florida. After a short milking lesson, Celia trusts I will do fine taking udder in hand, giving a squeeze, and making sure the milk keeps flowing. No….today’s photo is not of one of the goats I’ll be milking, this is one of the new kids – Caroline and I named him Jaanu (Hindu for sweetheart or soulmate). As the temperatures outside have soared during the last days, new kids spend the better part of the day in the air-conditioned comfort of the farmhouse bathtub.

2 Replies to “Kid”

  1. Ha, that thing seems to be checking out the other kid’s behind. And isn’t it cute how they seem to be having adult size ears on those tiny heads? Oh well, I suppose you could say I have a weakness for goats.

  2. Jaanu is doing great this evening and is out playing with his half sisters and brothers as we speak. I just went out and did a final check for the night. All is well! I loved Caroline roping! I think she was a goat herder in a previous life….

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