Time to take it up a notch, my bright ideas that is. 40 gifts weren’t enough; they needed 40 wrapping papers, but what then? Lump them together on the floor as a birthday mountain? Create a layout in blocks or steps as a kind of Enochian magic square representing the 40 gifts of wisdom and understanding? Har, got you on this pun; you see, Caroline’s maiden name is Engelhardt, or angel heart, and Enochian is the angelic language, so this layout would have a deeper meaning to my wife with the angel heart. No, her gifts did not end up as a set of angelic keys, I had greater plans. Why not hang them from the ceiling at eye height? Told you, this was uncontrolled stupidity. Time to buy 3 miles of fishing line, break out the ladder, tie up the packages, cut the proper lengths of line, and in less than 3 hours hang 34 gifts – thank god 6 gifts were outside on a shelf, that really saved me.