
A handful of worms from our new composter

Caroline has worms! No, don’t pity her, don’t shun her, they are not here by accident; she wanted worms. And so it was that I arranged a late-night meeting with Robert at Canyonland Worms to give my wife worms. Caroline now has the responsibility for caring for a full pound of worms – oh, you did not think I meant she has them in her bowel, did you? Her worms are in a black little house with an HD Flat Screen TV and lounge chairs, just kidding about the TV. These are composting worms who we plan on feeding the remnants of our veggie waste. The composting worm abode fits perfectly in our apartment and besides an occasional tiny worm fart, doesn’t smell in the slightest bit. Caroline has already named almost 80 of them!

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