My mother-in-law Jutta and my great-aunt Eleanor a.k.a. Auntie spent lunch together today. Cooking was courtesy of myself; we had planned to go out, but my aunt was enjoying the sun on the upstairs balcony and I had some farm-fresh veggies with me that I had picked up earlier in the day, so I got to work in the kitchen and whipped up something for the ladies. Auntie and Jutta shared some purple carrots with a honey-butter glaze, steamed spinach, and broccoli with a squeeze of lemon. For dessert, they had some of my homemade applesauce I had brought over to replenish Auntie’s now-empty bottle. My mom had made Christmas cookies which Jutta found so tasty, I am certain she must have eaten no less than a dozen.
Merry Cristmas (happy holiday) to you guys, hope you have a great one buddy ol’ pal ol’ chum.