Community Supported Agriculture

Chickens from The Little Farm in Gilbert in Arizona

Our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), The Little Farm in Gilbert is back on for another season of locally grown, pesticide- and chemical-free veggies, and eggs from some of the happiest chickens you could meet. I delivered 80 pounds of apples from Brown’s Orchard and the chickens followed me back and forth waiting for those yummy apples to be thrown their way. Lauren told me just how smart these chickens are, they will take a nibble of the apples and then wait a few days for them to attract insects, when loaded with extra critters the chickens return for a scrumptious feast only a chicken could love. Rosey, the pot-bellied pig took time off from her ankle cuddling routine to indulge herself on a handful of fat apples I delivered her way. Lucky me even got to pick up my first share of the season today which included butternut squash, pear’s, eggplant, basil, chard, arugula, and my favorite, Tokyo Bekana – a mild mustard green that is great in salads. And finally, from the girls above, a dozen fresh eggs scooped up just before my arrival.

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