Please Move Very Far From Here

Idiot in a moving van speeding while swerving in and out of lanes talking on his cell phone at the same time

Flashed by photo radar, swerving in and out of lanes, while trying to maintain speeds over 90 mph, and talking on his cell phone – THIS IDIOT barreled down the freeway without a care in the world, well at least not for anyone else’s well-being. The rented moving van is full, and how do I know, you might ask? Because the back wasn’t fully closed and, as the door bounced, you could see stuff packed all the way to the front of the truck. My only hope is that he’s moving to Hawaii and is planning on driving the entire distance.

Evil Cloud Mouse

Evil Mouse Cloud

Look at the top of the left cloud. Facing to the right is the evil cloud mouse. Its eyes are bulging and its cragged little bottom jaw is open in a twisted evil laugh. Caroline sees a Dumbo-like image; boy is she wrong. This takes me back to those days sitting on a bench in Amsterdam, sipping vanilla shakes and staring at the sky for hours, pointing out the changing figures in the transmogrifying heavens.

My Name is Red

Caroline has the book, "Ny Name is Red" open in her lap as she reads to me on the way to work

Caroline is our live audiobook, here she is reading to us a book titled “My Name is Red”. The book had a slow start and the style grated at me for a while, but finally, I started to find a groove. The book is a murder mystery and I would prefer action and adventure. We finished Moby Dick while driving about and have taken in Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific by Raft written by Thor Heyerdahl along with a great little book about rafting the Tsangpo river in Tibet called “Hell or High Water”. On the upside, this sure beats listening to Caroline’s eight-track tape collection of Abba music.