Stealth and Fluorescence

Inside a fluorescent grocery store in America

With no regard to the warning not to photograph, make a recording, shoot videos, or otherwise capture images in my local grocery store, I threw caution to the wind, risking who knows what for the chance to bring you this shiny picture of the ugly, genetically modified, prepared and over-processed fluorescently packaged stuff we Americans call FOOD. I tend to make it a practice not to shop at these giant conglomerates that have become bastions for the boring masses, instead opting for small markets, farmers markets, and ethnic grocery stores where usually I get to know the owner and find great tips and good conversation from my fellow shoppers. But it does happen that I need something I can’t otherwise find, such as Woolite or that colored watery stuff we put in our dishwasher to stop water stains. Other than that, these stores are off-limits, just like Walmart.

3 Replies to “Stealth and Fluorescence”

  1. I love these cowardly anonymous posts. As everyone can see on the photos posted on this site I got fat through eating too much of the wrong foods and doing zero exercise. But while I am standing by whatever I wrote and posted on this site that bears my name, this person is hiding in anonymity while launching mean-spirited comments. Tofu-hearted chicken-liver!

  2. thank goodness algore invented the inter-webs!

    how dare you project your ideas about identity onto people who value privacy.

    how about respecting diversity of thought instead of just gorging yourself on a diverse array of vaguely ethnic foodstuffs??

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