Red Flowers

Red flowers

All around us, we are seeing bright splashes of color, no, it isn’t due to excesses during acid house days. Har, you may have thought I’d reference the hippies or something, well I’m not old enough to have been a real hippy, my youthful music fascination spanned punk rock and industrial to acid house and the birth of techno.

2 Replies to “Red Flowers”

  1. Hi John,

    I’ve been wanting to drop you a note to let you know how much I enjoyed our chat last week at the Indian/British store. It’s fun to find people interested in good food and traveling — two of my greatest loves. I’ve kept the names of the two restaurants in San Francisco that you highly recommended — Millennium and Cafe’ Gratitude. I can’t wait for my next trip to California! I remember that you said that the Millennium restaurant has a couple of cookbooks out; do they have a web site so I can purchase them on line? Let me know, if you would…..then I can play some more in the kitchen and invite you and your wife over to try out some fantastic vegetarian dishes!

    Your web site is fantastic! I enjoyed very much your cultural insights as well as your beautiful photography and humor! I want to try your recipes and some of the ethnic foods you suggested too!

    Take care,

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