More Than a Bus

Valley Metro Bus - public transportation for Phoenix, Arizona

The bus is the medium, get the message. No matter that I choose not to watch television, read the local papers, listen to commercial radio. I am still bombarded with the slogans and marketing campaigns of trash companies I would rather not have floating around my conscience. One of the pleasures of small-town America is the absence of this intrusive and constant barrage of advertising. At least in Los Angeles, the ads are occasionally provocative and at times entertaining. Here in Phoenix, Arizona, I have seen billboards inviting mothers who do not know for sure who the father of their child is to ‘Call us to determine paternity using DNA’, or to call the Sheriff’s office to be certain that as your violent offender is released from jail that you are safe. Then we have all the ads for the various law firms promising to keep you out of jail for drunk driving, beating your wife, beating your pet while drunk, hittings someone with your car while drunk and fleeing the scene, handling your divorce, or suing the crap out of the business where you ‘accidentally got hurt. Finally, the reminder that this week’s lottery is up to $175 million – god, I hate that I fall for that one.

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