The Underside

The underside of the leaf from a Money Tree, formal name is Pachira

This is a pachira leaf, seen from below. Pachira is more commonly known as the money tree. We have had ours for at least seven years now. When we bought this money tree it was not much more than a foot tall, today it is as tall as I am, at nearly six feet. From time to time a cat has nibbled its leaves, one of the three trees originally in the pot died, but since then the remaining two have done fine. Visiting cats thought it made a nice litter pan, not to our amusement though. It is said that this is a lucky plant, one of the feng shui plants. Maybe it is – I know Caroline and I enjoy that it has been with us for so long.

One Reply to “The Underside”

  1. Can I know what it is called in Hindi Pachira tree. ANd also show your complete plant’s snap so that i can recognize it and get it.

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