Herbert Kurchoff – Rest in Peace

My daughter Jessica Wise with her great grandfather Herbert John Kurchoff who passed away this evening

This evening my grandfather Herbert John Kurchoff passed away. The photo above was taken in December 2003 while my daughter Jessica Wise was visiting Arizona and spending some time with her great grandfather. A little more than a year later Herbie, my aunt Eleanor, and I made a trip to Florida to visit Jessica, who by then had joined the Navy. Going cross-country for two weeks with these two was nothing short of a great time and left me with great memories of the man who was my last surviving grandparent. Herbie will be missed by Caroline and me, we hope he is finally at peace.

4 Replies to “Herbert Kurchoff – Rest in Peace”

  1. I am sorry to hear about your loss. I sent a sympathy card to Amanda. Please know that you folks are in my prayers.

  2. Hey John and Caroline,

    My deepest condolences about your grandfather. It’s good that you have some great memories of him. But still, I know how hard it is…I lost my last living grandfather last summer. He sounds like he was a great man. Take care…by the way, love the web site and give Carloine my regards….

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