View from the Yard

The view from my uncle's home in Santa Barbara, California

For 38 years, I’ve looked at this view from my uncle’s front yard. Years ago, there was no golf course, and I would walk across the street to pick walnuts. My sister Shari once threw a rock at me standing right here and opened a gash on my eyebrow. Back then, there were no plants in the front yard, there wasn’t even a driveway then.

Update April 2021: This was at 288 Placer Drive in Goleta, California. Some years ago, around 2009, my Uncle Woody Burns and Aunt Ann Burns sold this place and moved back to Buffalo, New York. A few years after that, my uncle passed away on December 16, 2012, at the age of 88. Just recently, I called my aunt after finding a phone number for her and learned that she’s still alive. Contact between all of us became difficult due to a situation that wasn’t able to be resolved (old people getting strangely stubborn). It was great hearing her voice, and I wish that Caroline and I could pay her a visit and offer her a hug.

One Reply to “View from the Yard”

  1. Dear John,
    I thoroughly enjoyed looking at your travel photos, especially the ones taken in Santa Barbara. My sister and I have a lot of memories of visiting Tata and Woody for Thanksgiving, Xmas, and Easter. I, too, remember the groves of walnut trees across the street.
    I also loved looking at the photos of Tata as a teenager and their wedding photo. Keep in touch. It means a lot to me to share memories of the family.

    Your cousin,

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